Analog 4 MK2 bug fix before Overbridge?

I was wondering if we can expect bug fix before Overbridge for the A4MK2 or we need to wait for this new Overbridge OS ?

The one that is really killing me is the sound lock missing parameters on the screen.
See this thread :
Can we have at least an answer about that ?



Personally, the thing that’s killing me most is I purchased the mk2 for the control inputs, and they aren’t reloading with power cycles.

EDIT: Another thing that’s royally paining me is that “FUNC + QPER” (to mute perf knob modulations) doesn’t seem to unmute properly.

Smaller bugs include:

  • Ext. Input FX send amount values always read “0”, so it’s impossible to match amounts any other way than ear. (No, I’m not wasting a performance macro)

That is driving me nuuuuts

I actually reported this with a service ticket bc I was banging my head against the wall. Elektron HQ responded and said that it “wasn’t a bug,” but they were considering a fix.

I wouldn’t keep your fingers crossed, but like you, I’m eagerly awaiting a fix

After waiting for what seemed like forever for even an acknowledgement of this issue I got a response saying they’ll escalate this to the dev team. I’m not going to go into what this means when I say it to someone at work, but honestly my hopes aren’t high that we’ll see a fix anytime soon. The fact alone that this is a regression from MK1 would warrant providing an immediate fix from my point of view, but it seems Elektron have their own ideas about the matter. For me it means that I paid good money to get less functionality and it makes me bitter despite my admiration for the A4MK2.



I’m generally not one to complain about Elektron gear (never had a problem with Digitakt, not losing patience with Overbridge) but this A4 mkII soundlock bug is incredibly annoying. I don’t even turn the machine on. It sits on my shelf until a fix arrives, which apparently they don’t even seem to think is a bug. So far, it’s been my biggest waste of money, gear wise, ever.

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Are you talking about the sound lock screen parameters glitch ? I mean IT IS A BUG … I cant believe my MK2 is less functional than the MK1 i had. I will write to Elektron because i need to know if its going to be fixed otherwise im asking for a refund, i am serious.
I can wait for Overbridge but this make me quite mad to be honest.


I’m right there with you. I wish I could return it.

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Bought mine at Perfect Circuit Oct 14th. Here is half way through March and waiting for the most basic of bug fixes, that has never been publicly acknowledged as a bug. And it IS a major, show-stopping bug.

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Yep same here…its just sitting in the box for few months already while Im using my mk1 which I cant sell yet until they release Overbridge 2.0

Mk1 best buy ever…
Mk2 worst buy ever…

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Yep , i’ve never been very vocal about Elektron disappointment and bugs but im regretting this MK2 purchase.
Im not expecting Overbridge anytime soon because i knew it wasnt ready and i guess i can live with it but having an inferior stand alone machine make me sad. I use sound locks a lot combined with parameters locks and right now its not really usable. I can wait but i would like to know if its going to be fixed since Elektron is not considering this a bug.

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Just curious; so sorry if this sounds off; I’m not an A4 owner… but what is the bug?

Holding a trig, pops up the “Sound Lock” menu, and that covers Params A, B, F and G so you can’t see what they are displaying?

But on the A4 MkI and AK you could see the “Sound Lock” menu, and all parameters?

Is that correct?

That’s correct and it is very annoying that they don’t acknowledge it as bug. People complained about it since the release of the MKII, but It was completely ignored in the updates.

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Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying that. Professional curiosity now sated.


Hopefully enough people file an own bug report so this will finally get fixed.

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Just got an answer from Elektron HQ.
They are working on a fix !!!


wow. That’s saying something.

Same, as you know from the other topic. Bought the thing full price (due to amazing sound I must aknowledge that). And I can’t really use it because of buggish flow with sound locks.

Well at least they are working on a fix so just gotta be patient

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Are they? Last I’d heard, they were saying it wasn’t a bug. If they release a fix, that’s great.