Your top Model:Cycles performance controls - MIDI controller

I’m starting to use my Faderfox PC4 with my Model:Cycles.
It has 4 x 6 pots, so if I use it for the 6 tracks, that’s 4 knobs each.

I mostly want it for a Volume knob, so that leaves 3 other controls. Unfortunately, there are 4 of Sweep/Contour/Color/Shape.

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 10.53.41
(There’s also LFO Depth on CC 109)

What would your priority be for the M:C performance controls?

My current thought:

Turn the Faderfox PC4 sideways :grimacing:
Then I have 6 columns of 4 knobs
1: Track Level (or should it be Volume + Dist?)
2: Sweep
3: Contour
4: Color
(Shape is less important for Chord, at least, because I don’t want to adjust the chord live…)

I just let my octatrack control some of the parameters. Per voice at least 6 parameters + LFOs. Mainly like the previous speaker track level, color, contour, sweep, sometimes decay.