Your setups [ 10k Archive]


Thanks for the info man.

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I think it would really cool if people posted tracks they made with the setups posted. Some of these setups look really wild

I’ve gone all minimalist. Living in a single room so space isn’t really much of an option. I find that having no wires to worry about really helps my creativity.


That being said, I’m sure a Digitone could easily fit somewhere. :wink:


I managed to get my hands on Tascam reel2reel recorder and later Digitone.

I’m quite happy with the current setup. It can be noisy at times though :slight_smile:


Just hooked up the Mackie 1202VLZ4 to my setup!Wonderful sound and compact size!
Also sticked a Fethead on the mic for that extra boost and picked up a UDG Digi backpack to fit the Tempie+MPC Live+Mackie for gig duties :wink:


This has been my setup for the whole week:


Awesome setup! May I ask what case you’re using where the OT, etc. are?

Sure, that’s a Odyssey DJ controller case, though I forget exactly which controller it’s for. (It had a sticker on it, but removed it. I believe It’s this one, or very similar:


I’m kind of envious of simple setups. Mine has gotten a bit large for my liking!

pretty much all the same setup for me from the last time I posted + the digitakt which i run into the OT. i wonder where the digitone will go :thinking:


the Electribe EMX + ESX combo brings back those warm memories from good old school days =)



thinking of replacing push with digitakt. or should it be octatrack to make transition from ableton not that radical?


That looks so neat and cozy!

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I’d add to your push rather than replace it. Ableton is obviously very capable alone so a digitakt may be all you’re looking for as something to jam on but if you’re looking to depend more on hardware you won’t regret having the extra capabilities of OT. If you’re dropping the push I’d definitely say OT but either one paired with push will be a good combo. Nice work space by the way, I want a little plant


This is sexy as hell. After using Ableton for a year, I got the Digitakt two months ago. Until they add Overbridge, I don’t think I will go for ableton any time soon. It is crazy how immediate the Digitakt is compared to working on Ableton.


thank you so much for such a warm feedback Python, jb, spceboi (new users can mention only two members in a post, what a shame)

yeah, that’s exactly the case, i’m quite tired of Ableton itself despite of its being very powerful indeed (so powerful that in theory i don’t even need neither DT nor OT). i don’t spend that much time on wiggling so it’d be nice to have something neat and tidy to twist the sounds and jam when inspired. Ableton just gives too much possibilities on this. discovered that once i got the OP-1.

@jb those (the plant and a piece of stone) are my little bit of nature by my side which turned to be quite inspiring :slight_smile:

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Amazing. One of the best looking setups!

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