Your setups: routing

Hi, in line with the popular topic Your setups but instead of pictures of your setup, the routing scheme. Looking forward to learn more about flexible routing and getting the most out of it!

Hereby my setup routing:


Oh man, you’re about to keep me up all night sketching out my stuff in MS Paint. Cool idea you have here though.

*edit will follow…


Such a helpful topic- especially for a hardware noob like myself.

So great topic! I’m about to change my setup so that I could jam completely without laptop, Live and Push. But preferably so that I can still sequence everything with DAW if needed… I have a second hand Pyramid incoming and soon the Deluge as well. Iconnectmidi4+ should make most of the changes relatively “easy”. Any tips and diagrams from other peoples setups would be great help indeed.

This is where I’m now… Trying to think how to get most out of limited midi output channels on deluge (16 + usb 16 ?) and Pyramid (16 +16 + usb 16?) so that I don’t need to touch the horrid Iconnectivity setup software so often. Audio routing is already going through Qu-24 bypassing live completely.

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PS: is there some sort of cloud diagram drawing service where you could draw connections between boxes and then move stuff around???
and others for sure

ps may not do the bendy cable thing !

yED Live is a cool cloud application, you can even upload and use little pictures of your gear.

They also have a free desktop application that I use a lot. I might translate my OP art work into a yED image today :slight_smile:

That was my idea too, I want to be able to jam without laptop at any given moment of the day. When I have some more time, I open up my laptop and I can use a DAW and Overbridge to add effects, side chain compression, etc.

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I had written mine up in another thread, here it is:
This setup is mostly for OT centered live jamming with recording capabilities, rather than full multi-track…

Moog Little Phatty, Theremini, 104m-sd--------------------------------->Mackie1202vlz4
Guitar/Mic--------------->interface----------------->NI Guitar rig/LogicX fx
Rytm->OT(mains and cue separate channels)------------------------->Mackie

Alt 3/4--------------->OT
Aux 1 ---------------->Moog 104m-sd
Aux 2 ------------>interface->LogicX
Control Room------>Monitors

MIDI controllers:
NI Rig Kontrol

Varying CV connections between the moogs

Everything is connected to the Iconnectmidi4+ which enables midi communication to and from anything to anything else. There is a wifi router connected to the Iconnect which I access from the IPad and can control any midi parameter from any of the gear remotely.

What’s AB?

Kill me. Kill me now. Just trying to figure the MIDI CONNECTIONS.


Analog Bassline from Avalon :blush:

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Cool! Created with yED?

If I had a nickel for every drawing I made of potential routings for my current and hopeful new gear, I’d probably have 2-3 dollars


That was made with - it’s pretty good!

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You would really benefit from a mio10 or other midi patch bay

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How’s that considerable better than IconnectivityMidi4+ which I already have? is good for this

Nice to see a fellow Deluge user on here. Looking forward to delivery in the next couple of weeks?


With more ports you can eliminate all the thru chains, and routing becomes more flexible. You could also eliminate the merger.