Your Setups (Part 1)

It’s a ghetto rigged assortment of stands.
The DT/HT are on a night stand, the OT is sitting behind them in a fraction industry 45 degree stand, and the TR8S is in a On Stage mx400 mixer stand.

Woah, I didn’t know the blackbox was that thin- very cool picture; I love both pieces of hanging art.

Any recordings of this setup? It looks fun.

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Thank you! The framed piece of artwork is my own, and the pen on paper drawing is by an artist who is part of a Zoom-based art program that i helped start. We support artists who experience various idd’s.

I have some music experiments online that use the instruments in my setup. My music is all over the place but it’s generally more on the experimental/ambient side of things. I envy people who are able to stick with a particular style and release entire albums of it. You’d think after 15 years of dabbling with electronics i’d be able to settle on a sound, but oh well. Anyways, here’s two ditties:


lovely, lovely, lovely- keep it up!! :bowing_man:

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Next level.


Well, I guess I’m committed now…


The Lyra is feeling a little left behind.


I thought the dominant characteristic of the Lyra was its utter indifference to one’s wishes.


It’s on a weeklong loan so my buddy can decide if he wants to buy one… I’m certain he will.


This one goes out to the OCD crowd:

Swapped the OTmkII for a DT, couldn’t be happier. Not only because of the faster workflow and more enjoyable UI, but also because 2 black boxes look so much nicer than a gray and a black one. I also couldn’t resist to fit the DN with black buttons, which I should have done a long time ago, or elektron should have sold it like that, as it looks less like a jumbled mess.

Blue preset on the linnstrument 128 to play the DN, via a single midi channel or pseudo MPE style by cycling through the 4 synth tracks with 4 midi channels. Another preset on the linnstrument 128 is used to control the midi mapping channel to play drum sounds. Huge amounts of fun.

Yellow preset on the linnstrument 128 to play the DT. The 8 lines correspond to the 8 tracks, the 16 columns allow me to play the tracks across 16 semitones. Very quick to input sequences this way.

I use a midi merger to make use of the DTs midi tracks to control a pseudo performance knob/LFO breath control for the DN.
DN out goes into the DT and it’s master comp. I switch up what goes into the DN for its fx, usually the op-1, guitar or nothing.
I’m hoping for a firmware update on the DN to allow the same flexibility for the input routing as on the DT, as well as the option to dim the LEDs. Having them right next to each other in low and high intensity gets a little straining on the eyes after a while.


That looks amazing! I like the minimalism of it!


Wish my OT was black now

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Where did you get the black buttons from? Looks great.

I asked directly at the elektron online store at their support section if it was possible to order the button caps and they were nice enough to arrange it.



Ooh, I need to dig I to presets on my Linn properly — that looks really useful.

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My all week Chalet setup :


Thank you! Went and reread the Linn manual and confirmed that yes, preset changes do send program change messages, so I can set my Bome to change the routing when it gets that and flip between an MPE routing and drum or other routings. Will let me get rid of all my controllers other than the Linn, which is great! Also learned a few other new tricks while reading.

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moving is never fun - but ever since I got into desktop hardware, I dread the idea. Good luck!

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