Your Commitment to Releasing Something in 2023

I’m in. I was able to put a bunch of single tracks onto my SC during the first half of 2022, then decided to take August off for a creative reset. Unfortunately that turned into a bit of a finishing block and I didn’t actually record another thing until last week (for the DnB Battle #1 that wraps Jan 1).

My goal for this year is a Techno EP, a DnB EP, and one mixed genre LP. That would be a lot for me, and I’ll probably fail, but I have a quiver of decently programmed ideas to draw from that I just didn’t move forward with in 2022, and a few concepts that I’ve written down to try out.

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If you want, I’ll send you my crappy tracks from 2014. I hate them so much- they’re so simplistic, repetitive, and stupid; but those tracks have around 10k listens each on Spotify, while the music im actually proud of has, like, 15.

There’s no accounting for taste. If you feel your music is garbage, then make that garbage and release it. People might actually like it- you may find success only at the cost of your perception of society :grinning:


Aight, I will release something in 2023. I don’t want to buy any gear and be productive with what I’ve got.

The last thing I bought was two days ago lol, a M8 tracker, and with this thing, I think I’m ready. (Everytime I said that to me in 2022, I always had this in mind : Trainspotting - Now I'm ready - YouTube )

So for me, 2023 : stop the GAS, start the music.


just an FYI: I currently work with clients as an “art coach” if anyone is interested :slight_smile:

I wrote one song a week last year and made a music video for each :sweat_smile:

I will be releasing multiple albums in 2023! Happy New Year all


Yeah, just record everything


Goals this year:

–One full beat tape or E.P.
–Enter something into every Elektronauts Hip-Hop Beat Battle
–Finish the MF DOOM x Mick Gordon’s DOOM mashup I promised earlier

–Analyze some existing song every week
–E.P. of non-hip-hop music (probably either breaks or, for lack of a better term, videogame-y)

Not necessarily. How many aliases does Aphex Twin have? Another option might be to keep it all under one name but conceptually tie your different-genre EPs together (four seasons, four elements, etc).


I did most of what I set out to do last year. So hopefully I can keep that going.

  1. One thing that I didn’t do last year was release a record with vocals. I want to do that this year. I want it to be an EP. I’ve got two tracks that are and have been done for a while that just need to be recorded. And I’ve got two more that are mostly done. The first Bandcamp Friday this year is Feb. 3 so I’m shooting for that.

  2. When I make synth based beats, the foundation is always a meandering synth session that I’ll chop up and rework like I would a sample from a record. I want to put out a beat tape with both the finished beats and the original sessions so that people can try their hand at messing with my samples.

  3. Along the same lines, I want to put some more energy into sound design and put together some sample packs. In particular, I really like what I can do by sampling synth notes into my Zoom Sampletrak and pitching them around on the machine. I’ve been able to make some cool sounding stuff with that, but I’d love to compile that in some decent sampler instruments and get it in the hands of some folks that actually know how to compose music.

  4. I want to put together a beat set that I can perform live. I have no real desire to perform anywhere other than my desk. But it seems fun. I focus a lot on programming things that just run in a straight line but just between my Digitakt and my Circuit Rhythm there is a whole lot to work with in the moment.

  5. I want to make more videos. I was never able to get into a groove with putting out videos. I want to change that this year and start putting out videos with some more regularity. I want to shoot for having a beat or two every week with maybe a longer video like a tutorial every two weeks.

  6. I had some fun learning a tiny little bit of code so that I could write a pretty cool program for my RK-002. I want to do more stuff like that. So I want to try to learn more C.

Looking back, I think I did a pretty good job in the first half of the year but I fell off in the second. So I want to pick things back up in 2023.

Happy New Year to all y’all fine folks


Yeah, vocals are rough. Hardware synths and plugins have spoiled me on convenience- actually recording instruments, my own voice on top of that is super daunting.

Playing around with a vocoder has been a decent tip my toe into the water.

As far as writing lyrics I find lyrics are easier to come up with early in the morning when you’re first waking up- you can really spiral out on them if you put too much thought into them


Releasing an EP and at least 2 music videos a month on the YouTube channel (already live since 3 months now)

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I’m 100% releasing trapped wind this year, which will sound better than most of what I made this past year…

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I released 73 songs in 2022.
Hoping to hit 100 in 2023!


I’ve got a two track single coming out on a small label at some point hopefully. Aside from that I will push myself to self release at least a couple of EPs, hopefully also get some more stuff signed. It’s hard to keep feeling inspired and motivated at times, but I’m really gonna try and keep it moving this year!


I’m signing on for an EP in 2023, probably with Bitwig only but maybe with (semi)modular stuff. Depends on how hard GAS hits me this year.


not sure yet where and how, but i’m in.
the thing i’m certain is that it’s going to be recorded live.


I’m finally ending my bachelor studies beginning of this year. After that I will dedicate a lot of time to music again. I put it on halt until then.

I’m in!


Had a rough few months in the tail end of last year and didn’t get around to releasing what I wanted. I have the modest hope of releasing an ep around family and work craziness.

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I suppose it’ll be similar to last year for me. I’ll make music and then release it. I still have one more tape I’m committed to make but other than that it’ll just be bandcamp releases and the occasional show. Maybe I’ll make an EP or an LP? Haven’t done that in a solo electronic format yet.


I have one album ready waiting for mastering and should be out before summer. Additionally I’ll aim for some EP’s and branching out to some other genres. Oh and I’ve got a very special youtube show in the works.

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I managed to get one track up on Bandcamp in 2022. It’s had a heap of positive feedback from friends so I feel buoyed up to take this hobby further. In 2023 I hope to beat last year, so I’m committing to one e.p. with 3 or 4 tracks. I’ve also started conversations with a couple of friends for two projects: a drone performance and some sound design for a festival installation. I’ll aim to get some documentation of those out too.

Good luck people! Here we go!


I’m going the opposite direction.

So far, I’ve only released EPs or Albums. This year, im focusing on singles(if I release anything. Which, as I’ve stated above, im not obligated to)

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