Your best tips on organizing scenes and performance?

Hi. I always seem to end up with a mess of scenes and performance layout on the 12 pads.
Anyone with a smart and creative organizing tips or tricks for those features.

Lower scene row affecting the BD snare etc.

Please tell us how you lay them out and use them!

I just lay them out one at a time. No one scene or performance affects one specific instrument; one scene tweaks multiple instruments. I guess I keep them organized in my head by what the overall effect is. Maybe one is more filtered and the other is more of a reverb, etc.

Plus, I guess the less you organize them and just jam, the more spontaneous the breaks will be.

Interesting question though

I tend to create scenes/perfs on the pad of the instrument on which it has the most effect.
for instance, my bass drum low cut is on pad 1, OH decay is on pad 10 and so on.

This is just for the start. Once I can’t do that anymore, I just fill with the closest free pad.

So far I go by a few rules.
BD is always nothing.

SD RS CP are usually just altered filters, maybe overdrive filter settings, or LFO filter settings.

CH OH CY CB - usually change the kits sound completely, like change sample sounds, kill volumes on hats or other things, or maybe double time hats with a delay. I use these pads for drastic changes and breakdowns.

BT is always a delay on the snare
LT is always a reverb on the snare
MT - delays and filters and on various pads, sometimes I copy scenes from CH OH CY or CB and add delay.
HT - reverbs and filters on various pads, sometimes I copy scenes from CH OH CY or CB and add verb.

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Especially in the perf. mode I do this. I see the clap blinking, I know it is a clap under the pad… so when I press the perf. pad of the clap… I know something is gonna happen with that one.
for scenes, i also do this.
but what I also do is creating kick less scenes on the horizontal bottom row
and beat mashes with looped samples on the right vertical row.