Dear lord, if anyone can make this beast into software, it’s our fellow Swedes -
I’m getting this one. Like now. And stuff.
Dear lord, if anyone can make this beast into software, it’s our fellow Swedes -
I’m getting this one. Like now. And stuff.
Doesn’t the CS-80 rely heavily on poly aftertouch?
Don’t get me wrong, I like that someone releases this, but I think this synth as a virtual instrument, without the associated controller, is not as good as it can be.
Do I have any complaints about CS-80 V? No. Will I be getting this immediately? Yes.
The Arturia is very CPU hungry.
Model 77 is the first of our instruments to support true Polyphonic Aftertouch for some of the parameters featured in the Expanded View. Although the instrument truly benefits from a MIDI keyboard compatible with Polyphonic Aftertouch, don’t worry if you don’t have it. Model 77 also supports normal aftertouch.
Looks Good, especially as I have an Osmose and PUSH 3
I have a few of the others (but always picked them up in sales for under 40E). I see I am offered this at 83E as a have quite a bit of there stuff but not sure I need another VA unless it is truly amazing- Have UA, Arturia, Diva etc…its hard for this stuff to cut through as 'an essential purchase…but will demo- who knows!
PS- The Code ‘DUALDISCOUNT’ seems to take an extra 15% of the price, even if already discounted.
I have the all the other Softube plugins of famous synths. They are a bit better than most because of small nuances. Its subtle but its there. I have the Arturia V CS80 and if it better than this then its a must.
Well I just bought it.
Gonna give it a spin now.
Didn’t even demo Like it!
I have it in my basket- 99% sure I’ll purchase but will probably still demo!
There’s a native reverb in it, which sounds like the TSAR-1, also from Softube. Although just one slider, it’s absolutely glorious. When cranked up to max and with the classic Blade Runner patch, you’re there.
Which I believe is exactly what Softube intended
Their Juno is miles ahead of Tal for example. Very tempting to pick up just to play Blade Runner-ish pads
Softube are top notch!
Ive seen Tannhauser Gate
True. Though if the goal is authentic emulation of analog circuits, being CPU hungry is often a good sign. That’s not everyone’s goal, of course.
Wonder if there’s a Modular preset that’s laid out like a Deckard’s Dream?
Given how crucial both layers are to 99% of CS-80 sounds, it’s really too bad that you can only see one at a time. I mean, I suppose CS-60 fans would disagree and there are times when only seeing only one or the other could help me focus, I guess? But in practice, it feels like it turns a knob-per-function synth into something slightly more menu-divey where I have to click buttons to go back and forth between the most important parameters of my sound.
I understand they wanted to save space, but then maybe get rid of the huge keyboard that serves no real purpose? Or, honestly, I’d rather see both layers at once rather than the LFO/selector/ring mod stuff. Maybe have a button to bring that up, instead?
Still, after just an hour with it, it sounds quite good. Though strangely, the tone selectors (STR, BRA, FLU, etc) between the Model 77 and CS-80 V are worlds apart. The two are not even close to agreeing on even simple things like envelope shapes. I obviously don’t have the original here to compare which is correct, but being used to BRA 1&2 sounding a certain way from CS-80 V, the Model 77 is very different. At least one of them must be wrong, and that surprises me given the care both companies take in their recreations.
Matching settings by ear, though, they’re very close in sound. Close enough that I’d have to really take a day if I want to try to crown a (highly subjective) winner. Why though? One can never have too many CS-80s
Cant you open 2 daws at once on your computer. That way you can have 2 screens with different layers
Meanwhile, I’m up to my usual drifting pad nonsense, and here’s a track made with that lovely Softube plugin -
Lovely! I’ve yet to get anything that nice out of the Arturia CS-80, but that probably says more about me than it
If I had to give a pretty bold guess, is that even the original CS-80 can vary a ton in sound from instrument to instrument, being an analogue instrument, and a pretty old one.
That is to say, if the companies based their emulation in different CS-80s it serms reasonable that they sound different but both are as accurate, specially since you can match the sound with different knob settings.
I loaded up Arturia’s CS-80 V3 → 3% cpu in ableton
then loaded up Softube CS-80 → ~40% cpu
Softube’s sounds better (at a glance), and I tend to keep my CPU usage razor thin, so i’m not concerned, but damn why so high? What am I doing wrong?