First things first. “Parts” have been confusing me but another look over the manual and the best I can make out of them is to basically think of them like how a “kit” works on the Machinedrum. Is this the best way to look at them? I can change a part on a pattern and the only thing that stays the same are the pattern trigs right? Samples, P-locks, scenes etc all change based on what is set in the loaded part?
Now the main thing here is I’m not sure how to organize song ideas. So far I’ve only been working from one project and pretty much just messing around to learn this crazy thing.
Here is what I am trying to do. All of my work I want organized as songs. I don’t care so much about having to stop the sequencer and reload anything as I am working fully OTB and I have no sane way to switch patches on my gear other than manually dialing them all up when needed. Most traditional bands have a brief pause between songs anyway and I’m going for a similar band format, so this is fine during a live performance for me.
Should I do one project per song? This seems like a waste of banks as I do not see myself using more than one bank per song however with the CF card it is not like I’m really wasting any space.
What about one track per bank? This seems like enough patterns and really I should be able to fit two songs in each bank. In this case I can see using one project per album which would give me 8 to 16 songs per album which is fairly standard anyway. Which then leads me to the next problem.
Ok lets say I have 20 songs spanning over two projects and I want to perform 10 of them live. Can I create a new project and then (using a computer to manipulate the CF card) copy the bank files from other projects to this third one to create and organize a live gig where everything is played in order of the banks in the project?