Workflow. RYTM to DAW


I’m curious as to how people incorporate their RYTMs into their writing process or workflow, assuming specifically that sooner or later you end up in a DAW.

For me, hardware is the best tool for generating ideas and jamming but a DAW is the best tool for creating a ‘song’. You might differ of course but for me it’s broad brush strokes with hardware versus a linear and visual timeline for the arrangement.

Do you jam a lot creating a bunch of patterns and then dump the audio into your DAW and go from there? Or is it more a two-way process going back and forth as you write?

In a nutshell, how do you turn all those RYTM jams into something manageable?

If you don’t use a DAW then what do you do to ‘finish’ a song? Do you just hit record on some kind of recorder and jam? Do you make use of song mode?

Open to and interested in your ideas.


A post was merged into an existing topic: RYTM+DAW workflow and creativity