WOMBO Dream Ai art a.k.a all pictures are trademarked, use at your own discretion

Yep, so the copyright risk lies more in that the prompt you use may be combining copyrighted images that you may not recognise, and not so much with Wombo making a claim.


it could use some more variation, but it does pose the question of…


when you first press create the original looks pretty similar to the obviously intended search then it just kinda mashes it up into something else with each revision. Wish there was an option to just let it run and get higher and higher detail

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Maybe the AI is scanning Google image results first, then goes to town with them. What happen if you type the same keywords in an image search in Google/Bing, etc?

Edit: I should have read the rest of the thread first, my point was raised.

If you want to understand the nuts and bolts of how this stuff works, start by searching for Style Transfer on Google Scholar. This is a starting point: [1701.01036] Demystifying Neural Style Transfer

(Also look up Machine Learning and Computer Vision. “AI” is often too vague as a search term)

So, this is “diabetic peripheral necrosis”.
Don’t think I want to try “Diabetic foot disease”
ed, This actually look like a rip off of Eduard Munch “The Madonna”.

the kingdom of heaven is under a stone gathering moss as the earth dies and the sun grows red above


Silver Apples of the Moon


That actually makes sense…

So using these for album covers is probably low risk If you use long Word salad prompts to generate the image…

Good luck with that.
You as user just entered a few keywords.
It’s the algorithm that created the image.


This one is now my phone wallpaper:

Some others:


I’m looking forward to the day when I can enter an AI gameworld where I can walk through landscapes like all of the above and have abstract conversations with subtly changing faces in the sky.


Good luck with what? I never claimed that I created the art. I just noticed the algorithm used one of my photos, and was just curious about the legal framework involved.

Sounds like a 2023 update to No Man’s Sky.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Santa vs Easter Bunny death match.


Just when my girl was yelling at me to stop with all the Nicholas Cage…

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If you only knew 1/2 of my Nicholas Cage obsession lately