Will there be Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?

Ooooh yeah and OT with built in tape deck. I like.

Quadratrack MK1. Digi sized. Replace the crossfader with the big knob from the Analog Heat.

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No ! 8 tracks with Sliders would be possible on a Digi size.

Anyway : Octadecatrack (16 audio tracks).


Octatrack Air


I gave my Orcattack to an Orc, he was so happy, he gave me his sister in exchange. I’m not sure what I’m gonna do with her yet… She’s fun though. We might get married and have many little Orcs…

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Hexadecatrack :wink:


Thread title: “Will there be an Octatrack MK3 anytime soon?”

Thread started: January 2019.

Todays date: October 30th, 2022.

Define “soon”.


C’est hexakt ! :content:
My bad.

I go back to my DodecaTakt…


Now: I want Octatrack 2 because the first is missing features and the effects sound outdated. Overall it sounds too bad because of samplerate.
Then: I was just more creative because of limits an i miss that classic sound.

All I’d want from a MK3 is updated effects, Overbridge, analog distortion and analog filter.


16 bit 44.1kHz sound ?


Well, if it also wakes me up nicely with fresh coffee in the morning, I’d be willing to pay $400

CDs just have the grittiest 16 bit crunch.


It only makes sense. If we can write it, they can make it.

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Indeed, my Carpenters CD compilation just sounds like Atari Teenage Riot !!


When I was young, I’d listen to the radio
Waitin’ for my favorite songs
When they played, I’d sing along

It’s a dead world
And it’s about that time to clear things here!
One generation follows another

Those were such happy times
And not so long ago
How I wondered where they’d gone

Just like before, it’s yesterday once more
Destroy 2000 years of culture!

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Not many people realize that since OS 1.4 if you patch all of the outputs to the inputs (including MIDI) you unlock the Hexatrack. 16 track Overbridge, 8gb RAM, fully polyphonic sequencer, physical outputs for all audio tracks. Changed my life!

EDIT: I shouldn’t have skimmed the last 20-ish posts…

I went back and forth on buying an OT for about a year, I finally got it, and less than a month later the MKII was announced and some the major US retailers started blowing out their MKI stock for $800. I kind of regret not being more indecisive, I could have got the same Octatrack I have now and had almost $500 left over to get something else.

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You never taped your favorite songs on the radio so you could listen at leisure? It felt like waiting in the shrubs to take a photo of an albino squirrel or something…