Why not an updated for scenes (crossfader) using ccs on octatrack

I’ll check this asap thanks a lot !!

Thanks a lot i asked the man.

for people who will be intersted goliath = smd on the website

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I’m sure it relates to being afraid people would stack too many cc’s and then complain about lag and midi bandwidth issues. Combined with midi lfo’s there is a lot of potential for midi bandwidth congestion.

As for me, I’d be very happy if it was implemented and simply given a warning that no guarantees can be made about performance. I think complainers ruin it for us all though.


they can have put a limit…

In a nutshell, it’s this. And well put as well.

Octatrack already sends Midi CC #048 via the crossfader; just manipulate the output (in hardware or software) as required and you’re good to go.

Sending Midi CC’s, like any midi data is easy enough.

The challenge in my experience is finding that goldilocks spot between what you want to provide to your customers; whilst ensuring that you don’t overload the midi stream / bandwidth; as people will (rightfully) blame your hardware, not something anyone needs or wants when playing live et al.


This is a great point.

I am still impressed that the 10 years old Octatrack has no parameter lock limit, unlike other Elektrons.
Total beast.


To be fair they never said it couldn’t happen they said things like this:

We might want to thank them for listening and putting in hard work to make it happen… Or they’re liars… But I’d like to assume the former…


Anyway, I’m in bandwidth/stability camp… There’s already 8 tracks with cc plocks, 8 fast arps, 24 fast lfo’s, and manual chromatic playing/knob tweaking shooting through a din cable… Would be sweet though…

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Problably enough to reach the limits.
A nice compromise would be to disable an lfo from sending midi data for each midi scene assignment.

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I know what we need - elektron needs to update the OT to support MIDI 2.0 over USB :diddly:

Can you imagine what madness could ensue…

(j/k guessing adding MIDI 2.0 to the OT at this point would probably need a total OS rewrite and therefore be impossible)

Well you can put some midi tracks on plays free and have them doing various CC / lfo stuff to be fired off at will

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no midi track left

but i will try the goliath thing :yum:

“MIDI sequencing was never intended”
Why ?? :upside_down_face: mm and md were

“We might want to thank them for listening and putting in hard work to make it happen…”
Had to work hard because they were greedy !!!


Not sure how they were Greedy ?
It wasn’t part of the original design, they added as an extra feature


i think people are blind for love sometimes .

We normally put such threads into the feature request thread where they rightly belong, but this was a test to see how this played out. It’s disappointing to see phrases like greedy used and to suggest people are blind. If truth be known the reasons why Elektron hadn’t done this are well documented, i am not taking my time to link those discussions, they just get quoted far less than the speculative stuff and myths are born.

They have been straight and responsive and it’s clear even now why the original stance was valid.

As for the Octatrack, there is no way that they are going to add this imho, not a chance, but it’s your prerogative to add that to the many vocalising that request, you can chose to ignore their statement that development is over, the OT is full to capacity and keep the dream alive, but let’s swap the speculation or cynicism for reality and pragmatism. It’s easy (and quick) to want something added, it’s much harder to prove it’s a robust doable request.

But with respect, the thread is spent (it’s not cool or accurate fwiw to stir with greedy or blind), it’s a long established request, your point is conveyed, but please use the FR thread :thup:

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Use the FR thread