Why is the sampling Feature so Polarizing

I like sampling but I don’t like using people sample packs of synth lines or drum patterns they made. That to me is just not fun. I guess you could chip stuff up but I’m still not happy going that route.

yeah sampling your own stuff is just as fun as sampling anything else

I doubt that people with enough time to write opinionated YouTube comments even do something creative, much less productive.

It’s the same way with people who tweet about politics all day. You will never see them in the street with a banner, or chaining themselves to a tree.

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I’ll sample anything.

I’ll sample my stuff, I’ll sample your stuff or someone else’s. I’ll sample stuff you sampled from someone else that sampled it from some guy who bought it from a sample pack that someone sampled because they were too broke to buy it.

As long as it fits what I’m trying to create and sounds the way I want, I’m good to go.


I’ll sample that!