I’ve just bought an AK, had it a week, I’m trying to like it but and I feel it acts in inconsistent ways, but I am equally open to all my head scratching is user error and not reading the manual properly.
Let’s face it though, it’s useless for mammals, that’s just a fact.
Ok, so on one single track I add a kick on trig 1 and 9 (doesn’t really matter where in the pattern).
I then add a high hat on trigs 5 and 13.
Kick immediately drops to very low level, certainly below it’s default level. I can barely hear it.
I summise perhaps it’s all about relative volumes on those sounds so I drop the velocity levels on those high hat trigs. Nah, the kick still doesn’t come up.
It’s probably 101 RTFM stuff, but I’m missing it so can someone please enlighten me?
If you go back and reload the kick sound does it come back as it should? I’ve had a few odd sound changes lately where the filter had randomly lowered its cutoff. I’ve yet to trace whether this is something I’m accidentally sending, whether it’s a noisy encoder or what. Reloading the sound usually seems to fix it for me.
Some bassdrum sounds use filter feedback. Putting the hihat between the bassdrums sometimes means the filter doesn’t get enough time to build up feedback. Try adding a bit of noise to the bassdrum sound - this normally does the trick.
It just happened to me again, just a random change of a kick into a dull nothing. The change can happen while the pattern is playing or when you change to tweak another track, there doesn’t seem to be a totally reproduceable pattern. But reloading the patch is always OK, fixes the sound. so something ‘goes’ after a while. Could still be user error but I don’t recall this being an issue before the last upgrade, at least for me. I was just using A142 kick, unmodified in this one, if it helps anyone to know.
I find it is most obvious when adding high hat sounds.
I’ve just recorded into Logic and you can visually see the audio reduce for the kicks. Weirdly, it’s sometimes seems ok when I add the first HH but the second causes the kick to disappear.
Mesoboy thanks for the suggestion. I have the temp set to 110, so not fast, I am using a sound/patch simply call Kick on trig 1, SND1 snare on trig 9and then I insert a high hat called HH on 5 and 13. I add those names just in case you or anyone else that can help has them.
Oh, and I’m on the latest firmware, I wonder if that’s introduced a bug.
deleted the other thread, AK/A4 are essentially the same.
it is a quirk with the analog audio engine… certain patches which depend on filter 2 low cutoff / high resonance, especially kicks, are susceptible to this.