Why buy an A4 MKII and not just a MKI? (your advice please : )

I’d tend to steer towards the naysayers.

It’s far more likely that the yaysayers are validating their purchases.

You know what IS like a brand new synth? A brand new synth :smiley:


I’m curious. Maybe I order it somewhere and use the 30 days money back option :slight_smile:
I can’t here it from the demos besides the overdrive difference in the cuckoo video. There are nearly no comparison demos, mk2 videos in general are a bit rare so far.
I just see them go for quite low prices

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People are pining over that Digitone, I suppose.

I’m a little upset I couldn’t buy that one guy’s mk2 for $850-despite only wanting to use Elektron for sampling. (Though, I had some magical moments with the A4 mk 1- so I might splurge at some point and pick up another at some point)

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there is pretty obviously improvements but also… plenty of people make amazing music with an mk1. It seems like a no brainer to me to try a mk1 first and then get mk2 if you are feeling that it is lacking. The prices are just too good on a mk1 to ignore I think. edit just put in an order for an mk1 for 500$ :slight_smile:


I’ve owned a MKI (briefly) and currently own a MKII. The MKI prices are just daft at the moment, so like many here say, it does seem like a no-brainer.
For me though, I prefer the MKII, and its a layout thing. It just feels so much less cramped and more pleasant to interact with - I really enjoy the workflow and the ease of moving around. I’m not sure if its the extra buttons, although I’m sure they help - I think its the extra space… I just feel less hunched over using the MKII compared to the smaller boxes.
Is this worth the extra dosh? It is for me, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be for many (most?) people. The A4 is my only synth - it sits next to the sofa, and comes with me to band practice. If I had more limited funds, and a less addled and ageing brain, the MKI, especially at the prices they are at now, would make a lot more sense.

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MK2 is currently 1149€ or even less. To my ears it sounds clearer, more open, less muddy, but also less mysterious in the pads department. It misses a bit of that Schwermut.
We talk not huge differences though. But clearly hearable. Both Share the same signature.

Yo, any demos of this shoegaze type stuff? I love gnarly/washy tones and I’m about to buy an A4mk2.