Who's using an A4 cv to Modular?

I’d take the DPO option with perhaps the Ripples and an Envelatorr.

I’m a bit surprised to see so many people here recommending the DPO. I completely agree, it is a beast. It was one of my first must-buy modules, when I started my own 6U. Yes, it is expensive, but it’s a good investment.

That’s another way of looking at the whole modular experience: yes, it’ll drain your bank account, but you can always sell your modules, if you need to, if you can part with them, and get most of your money back. It’s like you are just renting the modules. I’ve seeing modules sold for around 85% of their original price, after two or three years of use. No bad, eh?

Another module you should consider, especially if you are considering selling your MonoMachine (not that I think you should sell your MNM), is Braids. It can give you a nice digital complement to your Analog Four, and it packs so much in so little space (more than 30 different types of synthesis or models, envelopes, bit rate…). Still, I would also go for a DPO, eventually.

Ok, well if the sale of my Monomachine goes through that will cover the DPO and I have enough cash now for the case and one module.

Really appreciate the advice (sorry for sidetracking the thread ).

Did want to ask one more question. Are there any interesting filter suggestions that are cheap and not too big? I chose the mutable instruments one as I have experience using their Shruthi.

Doepfer diode ladder VCF is cheap and interesting. It’s a clone of the EMS filter.

Thanks man googling now. Eventually I’d like to find something similar to Razor’s EQ decay filter. Something a bit more esoteric.

The Richter Dual Borg is great too, albeit a little big HP wise.

I personally would not overlook Mutable Instruments Braids as a first companion for an A4. I plan on using mine with my AK heavily once the latter arrives this week.

I really like the ability to do wavetables, physical modeling and other more esoteric stuff with Braids, and you already have the basic analog waves and then some covered with your A4.

Also, I think even just 3U x 84hp of well-chosen modules would be an awesome start. I am more in the mindset that it is better to start small and learn each piece really well, then identify what you particularly want. Braids, Intellijel uVCA, and MN Function were my first modules and I still use all of them in pretty much every patch even though my setup has grown a bit (though not huge - 9U x 65hp in a custom converted camera case type thing). I also added a MI Tides, which is a envelope generator/syncable LFO AND can be a beautiful sounding waveshaping oscillator. Braids, Tides, MN Optomix, Function or Maths, and maybe something like a Wogglebug or Turing Machine (random source) would be a really fun addition to an A4 and would get you some totally different flavors from what you can get in a traditional synth, even one as versatile as an A4. Braids with Dixie would be cool, too.

Since you already have the A4, I think you would probably have more fun with something that is a little more unique than a Doepfer starter system, though I don’t mean to criticize Doepfer…but you might as well explore some new sonic territory since the A4 gives you such a solid start and awesome sequencing, IMO :slight_smile:

Braids’s WTX4 wavetables sequenced by an A4 with A4 p-locked FX would be an amazing match…as would the PLUK model. I think we’re probably all biased a bit, though, but at least we like what we have :stuck_out_tongue:

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From what i read on the MI site braids isn’t quite a typical oscillator. It sounded like it was used more for noise source type stuff so I guess I must have misread it.
If it’s as cool as you say it might go nice with the DPO.

Here’s a couple of unusual filters that are well worth a look.
The Dr. Octature is particularly interesting. It has a number of functions besides being a filter. Also functions as a quadrature LFO. Pretty cool stuff


Also the TipTop Filter is nice. Not very unusual but saves on HP and cash

This is also worth a look as an alternative to the DPO. Very similar in design and function to the DPO. Looks more awesomer though…

I saw the Dr octature. It looks brilliant but I haven’t found a supplier in Japan for it.

I love my Braids - very different timbres than the A4. With the most recent update, the Braids now has a basic VCA functionality, which makes it even more useful as a standalone oscillator.

I love my Braids - very different timbres than the A4. With the most recent update, the Braids now has a basic VCA functionality, which makes it even more useful as a standalone oscillator. [/quote]
That’s pretty interesting. I am actually starting to think that braids paired with an STO would make for an interesting set up. I love digital analog hybrids thats why the shruthi sounds so damn good. For teh price of the DPO I could get the braids and STO so may just do that.

Braids is a great choice, too. Having heard it in person, it does indeed sound great. Many consider it a “macro” oscillator, meaning that there are a few knobs controlling a lot of stuff under the hood. For a digital oscillator, the Intellijel Shapeshifter is worth a look too. It is fairly complex, but from what I’ve heard it’s “made from techno”.

Yeah I am starting to think that braids paired with an STO is really the sort of hybrid ground I want to tread.

I sold my MnM and with the cash I had I now have 100,000 yen to spend at the beginning. I want to get the most fun I can for the initial stage which seems to always be the problem with modular. Once you’re in you’re in but getting there is hard.

For my first 100,000 I could get …

Make Noise - STO (OSC)
Mutable Instruments - Riples (VCF)
And just have enough to scrape through for maths (although I could get function and a pittsburgh mixer for nearly the same)

or I could get…

Braids (OSC)
Ripples (VCF)

Getting the STO seems the most fun as I’ll be able to add modulation source early on. I could of course get the two OSC off the bat but would then mean I needed a mixer of sorts before my filter stage.

Also I was planning on getting a standard ADSR (probably a tiptop one) and using that with optomix but it seems Modemix is much cheaper and seems to offer similar VCA capabilities.

Euro is crazy. There are sooo many bloody options. It’s awesome because I can build a nice synth but just so daunting. I kinda wanna ask around on muff wigglers but I am kinda opposed to starting a which module thread. I’m sure they get inundated with them. Also working with an OT and A4 kinda changes things a bit.

Basically I am looking to make a melodic monster. I don’t want to make farty noise squelches I want to make melodic mayhem. I guess I want to be holden and not Richard Devine (although Richard is an effing legend).

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You’ll quite easily be able to do both whether you like it or not.

The STO and Braids would make a killer combo.

The Modemix is more of a ring modulator.
The Optomix would be a better choice for VCA use.

If it’s melody you’re after then you should consider one of these further down the road.


It’s a CV quantizer that shifts melodic patterns about a little mini key editor on the interface. It can quantize two oscillators at once and you can set melodic / harmonic intervals between the two and then shift them about musically with a separate CV source. The work amazing alongside any CV sequencer. The A4 would be perfect for that

I picked one up last year. They are the shit.
Watch the demo video. I reckon it will be your cup of tea. He gets some lovely melodies going about half way through. You can disregard most of the other stuff he’s using. It’s the uscale doing most of the work :+1:

My mind was blown when I saw this and I got one straight away. They can hone what might normally be a mess into a sweet melody. The guy in the video is Danjel. He creates the Intellijel modules.

HOLY CRAP! I need that module in my life. I love to compose my own melodies but having that which could be so intricately modulated using something like maths. Just having that working away leaving you to concentrate on sound design! Seriously you are a legend. My wallet hates you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you have an A4, you don’t need a mixer for just Braids and STO. You can just send them to the A4 FX inputs, one to the left, one to the right (though with the STO you can get more than 2 audio signals out). After all, they are mono, anyway. You might need an attenuator, though, especially if you want to use the A4 filters. But if you also get a Maths, you can use channels 2 and 3 for that. You can also use Maths as a mixer… Of course, in the end you should get a VCA (though Braids also includes a simple VCA) and a mixer (Optomix or Moddemix are both good choices). But just to start, if your budget is tight, you don’t really need to.

HOLY CRAP! I need that module in my life. I love to compose my own melodies but having that which could be so intricately modulated using something like maths. Just having that working away leaving you to concentrate on sound design! Seriously you are a legend. My wallet hates you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I knew you’d like it. It’s not entirely essential at first. The A4 is in effect a CV quantizer as musical note values can be p-locked to the sequencer. You’ll get perfectly good melody without one of these. But not like these ones. In the vid he’s also using a dual oscillator (think it’s a Cwejman VCO2RM). That’s how he’s getting intervals between notes. Much like the 2 oscillators on the A4.

It’s for this reason that I kind of recommend getting a dual osc or pair of oscillators to begin with. They will compliment each other very well. Most good oscillators function perfectly well as LFOs too So you won’t really need a separate LFO. You would certainly need 2 osc if you plan to do any FM type stuff. And FM is so much fun with a modular

To be sure the raw signal from an analogue oscillator is pretty hot. Much hotter than any signal from any of my other gear. Best to attenuate prior to sending to the inputs of the A4. Although you can attenuate the signal within the A4, you would still be feeding raw voltage in to the inputs and I’m not entirely sure that they are designed to handle that kind of signal. Maybe Elektron could enlighten us on that one. You could potentially damage the inputs over pro-longed usage. Sub-mixing before sending to an external source is always a good idea.

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