Who here doesn't have any in-production Elektron gear

I get the picture. But isn‘t it 64 steps that you don‘t like?

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64 step is a tough limit indeed, but my main concern is the “16 steps at once” paradigm, meaning that you always have 16 steps in front of you, which is only meaningful when working in 4/4.


I see what you mean

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All of mine are out of production now but no need to upgrade. Prefer the old box format.
The only one I would consider selling is MNM but can’t bring myself to it right now. No need to either.

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i don’t… @chapelierfou could vary the “last step” to have a variety of time sigs. you could have 32/64 steps over 2/4 bars running at double/quad bpm if you’re after more detail. one event per trig seems logical on a per voice basis. what other event are you after?

sorry if i’ve missed something here but “i can’t stand 16 steps” seems like a self imposed limitation and half the fun is bending that limitation to creatively exploit iterations of the same pattern with scale, bpm, pattern length whatever. in song mode you have total control for whatever non linear 4/4 direction you wanted.

edit: google translate hints this one had “a little DAW” but check out some other videos from this guy, some amazing structures out of the boxes.

I don’t agree at all ! :smiley:
The limitation is not to not stand it, it IS the 16 steps.
The “the last step” defines the last step of a pattern. What I want is to define the last step of pages.
(I think we’re polluting the topic, and it’s been already discussed here : Sequencers : Please add steps per pages!)

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couldn’t find a reference to “16 steps” in that thread.
also i don’t know what a “page” is.

i guess everyone sees and approaches it differently.
if you see 16 steps as a limitation it always will be.

i see:

Damn you’re right ! Sorry I did a quick search about the topics I opened and I figured out it was the good one, without checking). This is the correct topic : Sequencers : Please add steps per pages!

A page is a set of 16 steps, and I’d just want to have the downbeat always on step 1.

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just chalked down for my MnM this morning. soon my MD OT MM trinity shall be complete mua ha ha aha ahahaaa :smiling_imp: :cloud_with_lightning:

MnM was my first elektron (in like 2010 or something) but back then I had no idea of the magic it contained n just used it for 6 really basic mono sequences, or for a basic poly pad kinda thing. completely missed the point. oh how foolish I was :slight_smile:

Bought and sold A4, AR, OT, OH, DN, DT. It’s kinda sad really. Reality was I couldn’t afford them. I’m working my finances into what I see as a much more healthy place, when I do I’m pretty keen to shell on some machines. A4 and AR mkii would be great. As always keen to see what Elektron do next, something deep and involved would be welcome, to pour ones heart, hard earned cash and sleepless nights into.

I do get that this thread was actually spose to be more of a ‘who’s using the old stuff’ thread but…

i still see the workarounds (chaining several 12 step patterns seems best for your downbeat on 1 requirement) but i understand why elektron sequencers aren’t for you.

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That sounds fun!!

Use the TM-1 connected to Ableton Live and sequence your MonoMachine from there!

I do this all the time - there are some great sequencers in MaxforLive. Really frees up the MonoMachine and gets away from the ‘16 step syndrome’

Best of both worlds.

If you have an audio interface that can take the 6 individual outputs from the MnM then the 6 tracks can be recorded and processed individually with all the snazzy goodness within Ableton…

MM+AR+A4+OT silver and black. selling any of those? nope, not really :smile_cat:


ARMK1 :heartbeat:


Ride and Die. Plus OTMKI.

DT and AH would be nice.

OT Mk1 (2011)
A4 Mk1 (2013)
AR Mk1 (2015)
AH Mk1 (2017)

still in use, i will not change to the new ones - no need for it

they serve me well, exept the OT is getting less and less love over the years despite the powerful architecture - it is acting like a scratchpad for me when i got the feeling to do something arkward

but thinking about a DN to complete the trio from the digital side

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I like my little TM but it bothers me that i need to reconnect it to my computer everytime i power-cycle the comp!

I had the second Machine Drum imported to the US (stolen)
Monomachine (Stolen)
Octotrack mk1 (Sold)
Analog Drive (Sold, because I’m purchasing a Analog Heat)
Analog Keys, which I was considering selling due to the inability to use it as a master keyboard. Thanks to the 1.4 update it’s now where is always should have been. Hopefully with the update the used market price will go up a little.

OT mkI
AH mkI