When We Arrived - Analog Four MKII only

So here’s my first track on the Analog Four MKII. No mastering, just the A4MKII recorded as is.

It didn’t turn out at all as I expected, not even sure I like it, but I decided to push paraphonic sequencing as far as I could, and at certain points, no less than seven different themes and four beats try to get along across the four A4 tracks. So if nothing else, it was a learning experience.

Feedback is always welcome, and much appreciated, and always considered.


I’m only 23 seconds in and I like it already… :slight_smile:


I’m only halfway through your sentence and blushing already😊


Really nice sounds, I dig it!!

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My same reaction.

(Except it was 21 seconds in for me- but it’s not a competition.)

Great song!


Thanks, I’m glad you think so. Patches are my own, drum sounds tweaked from existing ones, though. Never could program a good drum from scratch.

Thanks😊well, who’s counting? I’m glad you liked it. And here I was considering not posting it.

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Now I’m worried about what other splendors you’re sitting on and not posting :open_mouth:

None, good sir, I can assure you. My tracks are few and far between.

Really enjoyed it. Thought the drum patterns sounded great and nice use of that awesome A4 delay.

Only thing I’d comment on is lead part variation. I get this all the time off my mates that I come up with a part that I really like and use it too much! That’s the only thing I’d mention to consider varying it up a little bit. But other than that an enjoyable track to listen to while perusing Elektronauts at 7 in the morning!

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Thanks, great feedback. That was actually my main consideration, that it just goes on and on. Get
off the stage already.

Maybe it’s not so bad as an idea for something, but it’s lacking a bit in structure.

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Bloody lovey. The way you used paraphony on the lead only on some notes works really well - it’s like a little suprise every time it switches from mono to parahonic :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I’m glad you noticed, I put some effort into that part. It kind of turned out like an experiment in paraphony that happened to become this track. With the conditionals on top of that, the pattern can loop eight times before it repeats itself from the start, though the differences are subtle, of course.

But I’m glad you noticed, makes me happy. Thanks for the feedback.

Like it.

I don’t think the lead parts needs more variation. What you might want to consider is taking it out and bringing it back in one or two times throughout the track. I’d also narrow the panning changes a bit; makes it feel slightly too hectic.

All in all rather impressive considering that this is only four voices!

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Thanks, great feedback! Yes, you’re right, maybe it’s just too busy with all that panning going on. I’m going go back and tweak that some. I’m also considering extending the patterns with a chain of sorts, and let the lead slide in and out with variation, always keep some part of it but only let the full sequence of it slide into the song from time to time.

Man, this community rocks. You guys.

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One of the most creative 4’s I’ve heard in a while. (meter-wise). Love the shifting backbeat. Really dope stuff. :slight_smile:

(God, I can’t wait ‘til mine comes in later this week. ><;)

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