What's your TECHNO setup

What do you think about 4ms ensemble osc ? Compared to odessa

It is quite funny, how different the impacts of this thread on different people is.
I totally envy all those totally organized minimalistic desks. It made me think about my gear and sell most of it. Currently I am with 2 setups. One portable (Circuit Tracks + Micromonsta2) and one for the “studio”: Brain/Sampler, Drummaschine, Synth (OT2, Rytm2, VirusTI2). Was (FOR ME!!!) the best decision ever, to reduce the options but stay with awesome devices!


Dunno really. Looks cool. The sound doesn’t grab me in the same way. I don’t like secondary functions so I’m not sure how immediate it would be to use.

My friend does his modular sub mix (and all other synths) on his modular befaco mixer. Its routed into the OT. My DT with drums is routed into it too. Main out from OT goes into Acidbox 3 and then into the Mackie mixer.
I prepare my drums (leveling and sequences) on the DT and do finetuning and leveling on the go. OT serves as a performance mixer and looper and is controlled via the faderfox controller. The Pioneer sampler and second DT etc. are my friends solo live equipment. When we jam together i take care of the drums,arrangement, fx and leveling duties. For my live sets i use the OT as a sampler with the Microfreak as synth + FX.


My current setup fits into a Magma XXL Plus Case. I was downsizing for more than a year to get to this point so i can just unplug it and take it to jams and hopefully club gigs soon. Downsizing is a very good method to push creativity.


I got it, i don’t like secondary fonction but on this one is fine, really easy, just one shift and four secondery param function.
But looking for a Odessa in the future :slight_smile:

Sorry for my shitty english !

Odessa is honestly 100% sweets spots for me so far. I’ve used it it most of my recordings since I got it.

Here’s a little loop with it : https://www.instagram.com/p/CPDuSmUqqA7/


Don’t you find that Odessa trebble are very present ?

It can be quite trebly yes but you have lots of ways to control the tone on the module. I always use it with a filter anyway. It’s quite rich sounding over the whole spectrum, lots of food to bite into.


How do you like your Tirana? I recently got one and I love it.

Do you coincidentally have experience with both Mk1 and 2? I have the Mk1 and am curious about getting a second (Mk2).

I really like it ! It’s a great utility sequencer with neat tricks. I think you can flash the firmware version of the mk2 on the mk1 but some features aren’t there because of hardware limitations. I only have had the mk2; and I always use the step repeat features, or even the ratchets. Perfect little sequencer for the size, and makes for great techno basslines.

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I agree! The step repeat mine does to, ratchet it doesn’t but I never use ratchet in any of my gear so seems ok. Flashing seems a bit above my computer level :slight_smile:

Just received two mkii yesterday… :slight_smile: i love it !
So some Xaoc user here !
If you have a Batumi, Samara II is just perfect with.

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Rytm + A4.
i just love the amount of control over the sound you have with the analogs.
in my current workflow i rely heavily on overbridge, so i can multitrack everything for further processing but also adding midi lfos in ableton via m4l.
i tried running the a4 -> rytm which is nice for rough jams with rytms compressor. but i prefer the hybrid setup.

my latest jam with this setup, recorded last week:


Analog Rytm
Mackie 1202
Strymon BLuesky
Big Muff Pi
Boss DD7
and sometimes my 12U Eurorack

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iConnect under the LaunchControl. Now I have to decide where to map all the perimeters to octa, so many options… I think I can do macro with iConnect as well, option paralysis.

Pelican hardcase, can teardown inside 15 minutes. Power squid to Battery pack, which can power my entire setup for an hour, without getting any power from “the house”


is not everything hooked up, or do you have next level cable management skills?

Its not hooked up.

My workspace is not ready for so many boxes


bit of a upgrade to the setup


My setup looks like this at the Time image you can see it in action with the modular of my friend here: https://youtu.be/6Z8XCFKukZQ