What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 2)

Also bought 3 job lots of home recorded tapes, mostly unlabeled. So fun going through them.

I just discovered a full recording of the single of Flipmode. About 5 remixes and acapellas


Got a few things to add to the studio recently :

Vermona DRM1 mk4
Jomox Mbase 11
Sherman Filterbank mk2
Allen and Heath GL2400 32 (swapped for my old Yamaha MGP)

Purpose - addition of more unnecessary drum synths and means to mangle their sounds + a better quality desk to run them through.

The Vermona is lovely to use and I’m not missing having presets at all.

The Jomox Mbase is just incredible for kicks - nothing else I have in the studio seems to cut through like this.

The Sherman is straight up bonkers, and I really need to spend some time figuring out what it’s actually doing :upside_down_face:

The A&H is a big step up in build and sound quality over the Yamaha MGP.


I think everyone has a secret resolution to one day buy a FIlterbank… :heart_eyes:


It’s quite a strange beast, but very addictive. I tried controlling it with the Hapax, but it cannot be tamed :lion:

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Wingie2 has arrived! Gonna send all kinds of weird sounds through this thing.

Edit a couple hours later: Alright I’m sending weird sounds through it and it’s lovely. The onboard microphone is really fun to play with too. Still getting my bearings with the keyboard(s) and settings but here’s an early attempt at a jam with Plumbutter.


Enjoy! Having lots of fun with mine.


The Allen and Heath GL2400 32 looks great! How is it to work with it and does it sound good?

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I can only compare it to my previous Yamaha MGP32X, which was fairly decent but had a much louder background noise.
Its sound is nice and clear, with decent warmth and it just sounds ‘bigger’ somehow compared to the Yamaha.
The unit is also nicely laid out with really solid build quality.


Nice to hear! Its a lot of channels and its not too big nor expensive so that’s great!

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Modern Jazz Palettes course by Sean McGowan on TrueFire, bought on intro discount.

Windows is one of my favorite Chick Corea tunes. I was sold as soon as I saw the clip of an etude written for that tune.

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Got the conductive labs MRCC for my midi setup it was lacking on that department.now I can merge everything on my rig. especially my midi usb controllers with my hardware


Been saving for the Modor DR-2 for a while. It has exceeded all expectations. With the addition of parameter locks, this is a complete instrument. It combines the best of all my favorite drum machines. I’m surprised that there isn’t more coverage of this thing on youtube. It’s been out for a while.

The ISE-NIN was more of an opportunistic purchase. I’ve always been a fan of the Jupiter 8 and I had some extra holiday funds. I’m still getting to know its depths. The user guide is pretty sparse. It has all the goods, I just need to probe them. Stunning to look at, though.

The cat, Tom, is a temporary ward. He mixed it up with a neighborhood roughneck and we had to nurse him back to health. We found him a forever home and he’s moving there in a couple weeks. I’m gonna miss him. :orange_heart:


:heart: for the kitty


Decksaver for the Syntrx.

Intention: keep the Syntrx nice and dust free for decades.


Really cool! How do you sequence the Syntrx?

Whoa - Ise-nin!!!

Haven‘t seen many of them. Did you do an DIY build? Would it be possible to report the dimensions? Seems to be more compact than I imagined.

Congrats - great and beautiful setup!

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One of the last missing bits in the Boss collection. Condition: as new! Even the saving foil is still on the front panel. I imagine it is 1976 and I took it from the shop yesterday…

Purpose: giving extra flavor to the RE-303 along the Space Echo and Strymon Big Sky.


After weeks of patiently waiting, my Sequential OB-6 Desktop has finally arrived:


Nice! I wonder why they put the ‘correct’ bank select buttons on this module, but different ones on the Prophet module? :thinking:

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Amazing synth! Congrats.

What do you mean with the “correct” Bank Select?

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