What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 1)

I remember that the cables were the same as for diskette drives in the past if you put that zip drive into a computer.
But do you think the unit will recognize it? I think I would be to afraid to fiddle with this. :smiley:

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There are IDE-bus ZIP-drives which would fit there in every other sense but Iā€™m not sure if the SU-700 operating system would approve them. Thatā€™s what I had in my MPC. Itā€™s the same bus as the floppy so all the cables will match.

The other option is getting a SCSI-ZIP-drive and the Yamaha expansion board for SCSI-peripherals. Itā€™s possible and would work without any doubt but it would alse be a lot more expensive through SCSI.

But if I keep my samples short and try to fit one song per disk then thereā€™s no problem working with the floppiesā€¦ I actually rather enjoy sitting and waiting as the sampler loads the samples. Iā€™m in no hurry as I wonā€™t be gigging with this thing. It reminds me of the good old times with Amiga floppy drive, loading games. Good things are worth waiting for.


I couldnā€™t justify to myself owning an Akai, E-MU or Yamaha rack-sampler, but for some reason the SU700 feels like a proper instrument with itā€™s own sound and soul. The user interface, the sound and all the quirks in the machine make it a winner for me.

I admit that it is huge and I had to shelve my Digitone & Digitakt to make room for it on the table but for the moment Iā€™m happy with it. Itā€™s midway between a looper, an effects box and a beautiful weird blue computer. The floppies are the only downside and you start to appreciate them too after a while.


Well, I have 2 weeks bank holiday - the first this year, so I want to use the evenings to dive into it.
I will only take this machine and headphones with me. No laptop, no octatrack (hmmmmā€¦ maybeā€¦) to minimize distractions.

I searched 1,5 years for this - i even wanted to travel from vienna to berlin for it, but now i finally got one here. Itā€™s mint and it was really a bargain.

Right now Iā€™m going through the factory pattern and enjoy those digital madness (b9 is very kraftwerky!)

Edit: Oh boy, this is nuts! Wow! Such a beast! Oh my.


Nice pull!

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finally bought a Beatstep Pro. intention is to sequence the Vermona drm1 mk3 and the THC Syncussion, thus freeing up multiple tracks on the OT from doing that. seriously, this thing is perfect for this application. doesnā€™t even flinch. I have another six drum gates left over. nevermind that I can also sequence a couple other synths on top of it (likely the pictured 2600 and S1). why didnā€™t I buy this like six months agoā€¦?!?


just a simple workhorse mixer for daily use.

because Zoom LiveTrak L-12 is definitely an overkill for such jobs as designing a synth patch, or fiddling with a sequencer, or playing exercises, and i donā€™t want to keep it always on.


Give oxygen to the surface.

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That Cwejmanā€¦:ooh:


Backed this Kickstarter ages ago and after some delay it finally got here. Iā€™m officially Mutable-ish stand-alone daftā€¦ so I now have this Shrolca (24db ladder filter), a Shruthi-XT (4PM oberheim style filter), an Ambika (with the Juno-ish filters) and an Anushri. Anyway, my intention for this one is to turn it on just as soon as I have tracked down an american-UK power adapter.


This beauty, which I have been dreaming of for a long time! :heart: I intend to turn knobs and play tacky solos on top of all my music from now on.


Picked up a small, cheap PA subwoofer for private gigs. Last one I did was more crowded than I expected and I had to turn up my smaller PA to compensate for the ā€œbodiesā€ and the additional noise. I was starting to hear some distortion in the mains because the lows were pushing them too hard. I donā€™t want to start taking my larger PA to these private things, so a small subwoofer it is.

I also have an Analog Drive coming next week. Aside from electronica, Iā€™m also a guitarist. I do have larger amps and effects rigs, but there are times for more low-key settings when I like to grab a little single channel amp and a pedal or two. I have some of the usual suspects like an old TS-9 and a Boss SD-1 that I modded, but no real ā€œboutiqueā€ stuff. This past week, a vendor on Reverb.com had a few ADs at $99 so I couldnā€™t resist.

For the cost of one reasonably priced mass-market pedal, I am looking forward to having all those flavors of GOOD drive and distortion in one programmable unit.

Plus, given the excellent sounding examples Iā€™ve heard, I expect it will work a treat on some of my electronica. Have to work around the mono in/out issue, but still, what a value.


gorgeous. have fun

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bought this little buddy this week.
Fun for days.
Genius design


MPC vs Deluge: the twist ending :smiley:

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haha, indeed. I was surprised, too

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Bought a kaoss pad mini 2S for some lil portable fun. Its a bit of a swiss army knife innit? Audio player, master recorder (with mic), and fx box. i actually like the fx the least, lot of redundant fx algos and some really cheesy ones. The verbs especially left me wanting. But its a small battery powered gizmo that fits nicely into my mini setup (two POs, SKULPT and a volca mix) for messing about while being on the road.

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Exchanged a few months agi my DN Module with the DNKā€¦now added the Module againā€¦the portability is so greatā€¦

My Homestudio room is occupied by the Family visiting us, so i had to go minimalā€¦


Minimal is where itā€™s at, for me anyways. Iā€™ve gotten to dig soooo deep with each piece of gear after forcing myself to regroup and stop trying to do everything at once. So itā€™s basically a win every time I sit down with one machine or maybe two. Or one machine and a pedal. Just glorious focus and I get into flow state so easy!