What's your latest purchase & what are your intentions with it? [pics ftw] (Part 1)

Squarp Pyramid.

Hoping it will eliminate the extra step of recording audio clips to build up the meat of a song (and having to re-record if I want to make changes to a part).

However Seq mode seems to leave a lot to be desired.

Thanks for sharing. I had to do the same.


Very tempted me tooā€¦ Useful for quick mastering previews, but not convinced if it compares with other mastering chainsā€¦
Did you tested this plugin?
For what you will use it?

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Gonna try it out on the mastering chain. I havenā€™t tried it yet, but it was already on my radar and at $30 why not.

ā€¦I already have dozens of 30$ why notā€™s plugs :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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That looks like the American plug to me

Congrats on the board. Sick :+1:t6:

I get that. Me too. Hopefully I didnā€™t just throw away $30. :neutral_face:

Really, I need to step up my master game. Hoping this will be a welcome alternative/addition to using ozone.

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First eneven weird acid line from the thing right here for the curious :wink:


i use it on everything but havenā€™t compared it to other combos. itā€™s a good quick option. feels a little like a cheat code to reasonable sounding tracks.


Well, funnily enough - my latest purchases are a Digitone and an Analog 4mk2. I really shouldā€™ve just stuck with the DN for now (having read membersā€™ advice whilst lurking)ā€¦ but Iā€™m patient and I donā€™t find the workflow intimidating - prefer the graft of learning anyways.
It all started with me thinkingā€¦ how can I sequence my Summitā€¦ and then has left me with two 'tron boxes wondering why I wanted the Summit.
For some reason the elektrons are scratching the synth itch so much better, yet the Summit is bloody wonderful and I love itā€¦ I meanā€¦ who doesnā€™t need more infinite reverb actionā€¦ :smiley:


Using my Ipad with cubasis and have Not Really a mastering chain. Will try to use masterdesk as my Last step soon.

Just read some very good reviews and i am going to try it.


Me too - couldnā€™t resist a bit of UAD quality for that price. Thanks for the tip off

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Ok, I didnā€™t REALLY buy the Sal-Mar Construction, but I did actually get to play it! Iā€™m guessing that at least @Scot_Solida will be jealousā€¦


Got my 2nd H9 today together with a pedalboard. The space in the upper left corner is reserved for the Microcosmā€¦ since I wonā€™t be operating the pedalboard much with my foot Iā€˜m still wondering what the best solution would be (the patchbay needs to be close since the FX routing is done on it as I only have one pair of Inā€˜s & Outā€˜s left on my mixer).
Intention is getting lost in a sea of FX and lots of experimentation.


Thatā€™s a lot of mods on the 202
I used to have one
Still regret selling it 20+ years ago.

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Bought some screen prints of Gianluca Lerici A.K.A. PROF. BAD TRIP for studio / guestroom.

Intention is to decorate the room to make it even more inspiring and a place u want to hang out in

The last 2 screenprints is going up on the wall tomorrow :yum:


Yeah same


ZZounds good. Can do warm analog subtractive sounds with ease. Can do thin and cold sounds with ease. Between those itā€™s easy to end up with your glassy wavetable/PPG sound which I donā€™t really get along with. But I need to spend more time with it though, there are so many ways to create sounds itā€™s gonna take a while to find my personal sweet spots etc.

Save jam/vinyls pc turned off.