Whats your favourite Kick drum recipe, synthesised only ;-)

Been having loads of fun with my non UW MD.

My favourite go to kick consists of the FM kick engine with MOD turned all the way off and the pitch bend turned down a bit to give a nice sine wave, I then link that to the IMP machine to dial in the attack. Sounds really clean and rubbery, just the way I like them!

Whats your favourite recipe?


For housier stuff, I like opuswerk’s kick:

TRX-B2, tuned to the 40s. other upper synth page parameters in the low 60s, lower ones to taste but usually in the single digits. HPF the top heavily, and also several points on the bottom depending on where the bassline sits. Linking IMP for a transient works well here too, but try other machines for different flavor.


Two EG’s


Cool I’ll give this a go :slight_smile:

I haven’t managed to get a kick I like out of the TRX B2 yet but this sounds cool!

one low pitched GND Machine with proper ramp/decay settings for the sub and any of the available kicks for the mid frequency. both layered of course.

I’m 2 days in, cans get a decent kick either, but it could be my single 5 inch speaker and a noob at the fornow

How do u link imp? Whats in the input of machinedrum for that?

You set another track to be trigged by the kick track.

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ok sry misunderstood i thought u gonna use the input machine. what stand imp for?


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For drums i often use the lfo as envelope to get the right lenght. Some sounds hit harder if u give more decay and control the level like a vca.

Level to zero lfo to level and trig setting time to taste.

But what’s a good kick for everyone?

Edit: I meant audio examples :wink:

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For me it’s kick iii, it’s her best kick.

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TRX B2 is my favorite, it has really good parameters for shaping it into many styles, plus 2 extra distortion types. It’s great for bass as well!

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My son is a fantastic drummer, if I say so myself, and this is what he came up with on my Vermona DRM1 mkiv:

But again, I think that the Vermona kick has a huge sweet spot.

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I usually go for the EFM kick. I first set the pitch and envelope settings with mod turned off, then I tweak the mod parameters to get an attack I like. No particular values for any of these as it’s always context dependent. Most times I will also use the LFO in trig mode, square wave, controlling the amp decay with rate and depth both around 20, again I find the exact values by listening. This will make the sound a lot nicer imo, also the EFM clap benefits from this LFO to decay.

Pull up MDA Drumsynth, tweak some shit, render :slight_smile:

GND-IMP -> NFX-UC (FF 23, FB 7, LFO TRIGging TIM1 to sproing) -> NFX-EV (slight subtle ATT and short HLD and REL) -> NFX-CO (KNEE quite tight)


i’ve never tried this in reality, but i love threads like this to get your brain thinking away from a device, elektronauts needs more thought provoking sound design quests)