What's next for Elektron?

Tbh, I used some monome modules and controller and I’m not sure they bring something really new to the table. They are exclusive, slick and high quality for sure, but in the end, the difference between the controller in the video and a killamix mini seems trivial…After extensive use of their Teletype module for exemple, you’ll regret win95…

This post is voluntarily overexagerated for fun…
But not so much… :slight_smile:
I will suppress it if it draws too much :heat:

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Maybe it’s a impression of something like this Lemur back in the day’s. Now it’s overruled by mass market.

But I still think when these elements are together as one instrument it will be special.

Now everything as separate controllers to configure is such a drawback.

If Elektron released a culmination of everything they’ve perfected since the Rytm mk1 I wouldn’t even be mad.

Sampling from the DT, synthesis from the DN, and the performance macros of the AR- I’d be super excited and preorder immediately.

Even if they just released the synthesis of the DN with the performance macros of the AR, I’d be super excited.

Really I just want to scene and perf on the DN, also I’d lie to sample it internally


the power of the octatrack
the workflow of the model samples


Emu XL1 does exactly this!. I have midified the XL1 with the DT and the Roland JV 1080 romplers…I got carried away and burst out laughing when I caught myself sampling a rompler…insanity…

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I’m really hoping for Octatrack mk3, so I can buy your mk2 for cheap :)))))))


I would be very interested in a Model:Wave or DigiWave if it sounds great.

That could be interesting if Elektron makes it more like Vector Synthesis like the Prophet VS and the Korg Wave station. And yes we do need joysticks!

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Haven’t been looking into vector. Is it similar to linear?

See here:

Kits for DT.


there is this :

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Purely based on time since last significantly new release something must be due soon?? Lol

Plus 1 on MM rework

Well NAMM is only 11 weeks away…

With the form-factor of the Digi boxes, that would sell like hot cakes.

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And DN please!

Would be nice as a Digitone companion.

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they are not in the effects market yet. something innovative in hardware would be a nice thing.

Maybe elektron modular?

I hope Elektron makes a teaser that doesn’t make me feel like I’ve been chasing kites the entire time when it’s finally revealed