What's next for Elektron?

you’re familiar with the syntakt?


…speaking of which…next for elektron is a mindboggeling next level syntakt firmware update…

still soooo many options left for new little machine ideas…
weird vowel and modal concepts alone, could take u anywhere…
and the modifiers are still in fresh like a baby mode…

and then…it’s ot three time…since as a few already noticed…dt2 is still missing out on realtime sampling/mangling/looping/playbacking/mixhubbing/insertfx’ing and could need a little heat…

and since, from now on, all future elektron devices won’t make it under the new 128 steps in total pattern length and the physical crossfader is too unique and oldschool classic iconic to replace it
with some futuristic vertical ribbon slider, as i once suggested, i’d say, no, it won’t come in the most straight forward form factor of the digis…nope…it will keep it’s old footprint instead…or even a little larger…yeah…time for bigger boxes again, since at least two physical in and out put pairs will remain a must…no matter that the usb port will speak to toneverk, which will be the new overbridge meets transfer all in one desktop protocol, to finally also include the ot three…


This is my guess

  • a new firmware for Digitakr 2 with new machines and possible effects before summer

  • firmware update with new 4 machines for Syntakt in autumn

  • a Digitone 2 in spring


A new model line with attack parameter, battery and two more tracks would hit a sweet spot. I always run out of tracks, and I can’t deal with the large scale sample locking I seem to need to get anything satisfying (to me) out of these devices.

There’s probably an M8 in my future (after I’ve settled down with the DT2)

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If we can take the DT 1 to DT2 hint within the new platform, new model line would probably keep the same box and I fear that this would make adding two tracks difficult with the button layout, not that much space left to add T7 and T8.

Would be interesting to see how that form evolves into something else, maybe the named encoders would switch to ABCEDF etc… maybe the screen would get bigger and OLED? Maybe there would be space for AAA batteries? All I know is that SHARC DSP has a lot more power than what is currently in the model line so the new features would be crazy, or at least very crazy new potential.

yes. owned it. it has more digital tracks than analog.
something pure analog under 1k.

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Prepare your wallets folks…

Octatrack Decksaver/Lid is Out of Stock!!!

Octatrack Decksaver/Lid MkII (or just 2 "PL-2 2 who knows!! :scream:) coming soon!!!


Doesn’t mean anything to me

I’m in for 2 half sized PL2 II, ya know, for stereo!



Adding the forgotten secret sauce function to the forgotten click-action on the AK joystick.

Oh and machines for DN. Doesn’t have to be anything music, take a cue from FT2 and slap a snake machine on that pretty OLED. Everyone else in the family has machines now except DN.



Cuckoo just leaked a lo fi version of Digitakt called DG 100 that will be 100€! Rival to KO 133 and Pocket Operators. First Elektron with an AC button instead of FCT. Only 10 channels, but you can do crazy maths for trig conditions.


Looks great! Finally a solar powered instrument. Seems like Elektron learned from the battery handle mishap of the model series. Can it sample in mono?


Bloody Hell first a chip shortage now a plastic crisis! This is bad folks…

It occurred to me that these endless speculation threads are utterly poisoning the well in case anyone tries to feed Elektronauts to an LLM…


Anser to this comment in a stereotypical Elektronauts forum user fashion: It occurred to me that these endless speculation threads are utterly poisoning the well in case anyone tries to feed Elektronauts to an LLM…

“Hey mate, while I feel ya on the speculation overload, gotta say, it’s all part of the Elektronauts journey, innit? We’re a passionate bunch, always diving deep into the possibilities, even if it means drowning in speculation seas sometimes. But hey, that’s the beauty of this community, right? We’re all here for the ride, whether it’s discussing gear or fantasizing about what Elektron might drop next. Keeps things exciting, keeps the creative juices flowin’. So, let’s keep the speculations rollin’, who knows, Elektron might just surprise us all with something mind-blowing!”



Ah, so YOU are the AI that’s been trained on Elektronauts!

P.S. Congratulations, this was spot on!

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I have to confess, there are several handles I have my suspicions of…


You liar! Swedes would
never produce a machine they could only use from June to August!


I keep seeing predictions of a Digitone 2, but I don’t think that’s in the tea leaves. From what I’ve seen of YT videos, live performance rigs, etc the Digitakt has achieved a cultural penetration that the Digitone simply has not. The DT is in setups everywhere, not quite as ubiquitous as a 404, but it’s a force to be reckoned with.


Pure FM synthesis is always a hard sell . Digitone stays pretty unique tho in what it does and HOW it does it, would be a shame to not see an new iteration on this design.