What's next for Elektron?

Since Dt works with ‘sample based machines’, some granular machines will be a logical next step

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Based on Elektron job vacancies they are seeking a QA engineer to join the team working on a “cutting-edge software platform which will drive the next generation of our instruments” including an “in-house built Linux embedded OS for real-time audio processing applications.”

So would guess the forthcoming digitakt replacement will be first of this new generation based on the new OS (whereas current generation each have a own custom OS.)


Looks to be pretty definitive this time, and definitely no confusion with the E25. Quite a few retailers are confirming that Digitakt will no longer be produced (in its current form), so I think its safe to say that everyone can anticipate Elektron’s next sampler announcement really soon! :wink: :rofl: :partying_face:


Minimum 2 years of R&D I would say.


This is for QA so presumably development started some time ago.

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Yes, definitely. This is so interesting.

This bit sounds like Octatrack territory to me. Not so much like a “sample based Drum machine mk2” which could totally be announced in the next weeks as more store shelf’s are getting empty and people just seem to want more Digitakts.

This new paradigm, “cutting edge software platform inside the new devices”, is so intriguing…

Could this be like Elektron hardware interface box, but with a much more flexible/open Max/PureData heart inside?

Like an Elektron box on the outside, in which you could get “FORS” like instruments as you want, or maybe flash Entire Digis on it.

It’s an Elektron hardware with an Elektron Linux OS inside. And any OS is nothing without apps…

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If everything going forward is based on a custom Linux OS (a la modern MPCs), that opens up a lot of possibilities. Probably makes development and production easier and cheaper overall, at the cost of the ‘bare-metal’ allure of using more obscure specialised processors. It makes me think that future generations of Elektron will a) do more, b) cost less, c) lack some percentage of the je ne sais quoi of their older siblings.

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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but I recently was looking at some gear on Zzounds and saw that they no longer offer a 12 month payment program for elektron gear either. Not sure if it has anything to do with anything but might add to the speculation.
Such a pity too. I was looking for a Analog Rhythm.

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Let’s hope they keep the hardware under control, remember the headphones-out-noise-gate with the first generation of Push3SA, which is also a computer with some kind of Linux in a controller’s case.

You can always use the paypal credit program independently from the dealer. Works pretty neat but leads to careless spending in vulnerable persons.

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Feeling more and more like we’ll see a new device that incorporates DT… Somewhere between a DT and OT and more or less using the Syntakt concept of amalgamation of pre existing stuff + new features. Something that totally replaces OT and DT for someone like Cuckoo but perhaps leaves someone like EZ Bot wishing for more complexity. But a definite step up in options from Digitakt.


Language hair splitting mode, not meant seriously: :face_with_monocle:🥸

Guess this time it’s a “Tschüss” (One time farewell greeting, coming from “Adieu”, meaning exactly the same “Befiel dich Gott”, like goodbye). But if they restock again, “auf Wiedersehen” or “Bis bald mal wieder” would be the formula to read into the announcement “Artikel nicht mehr in unserem Sortiment” which could also mean “we couldn’t agree with the manufacturer about our share”, which would be more common in German extreme competition in supermarket prices like when Kaufland ditched Pepsi to prove their power and independence and market power (very resembling very nice information to the customers referring them to equally sweet sodas - but that cola thing is a very peculiar thing and there are a lot of uncompromising aficionados). Easier to bear if one manages to get rid of their attachements. And addictions. Like coffee, cola type sodas, GAS in general.

Btw. (seemingly rather unconnected), Just Music gave up. :confused: They had great deals sometimes but they had also repacked (at least once with me) returns as new. So I tended to shop only for B-Ware (beware :sweat_smile:) there and that was always a great experience. Farewell Just Music. (And thanks for all the fish? :sweat_smile:)

So what’s next Elektron?

  • Guess case is pretty much established that
    • DT is discontinued
    • Something will presented at superbooth
    • save to assume there will be a DT successor
    • save to assume there will be an OT successor
    • save to assume there will be a generation and paradigm shift (as with MD/MM to DT/DN)
    • save to assume this will include new hardware and software platform and likely new design and UX/UI
    • maybe there will be a product that incorporates DT and OT features in one box
    • chances are good that there will be DTmk2 first and independently from that

imagine they’re just bankrupt. the end of an Era :hatching_chick:


Ok. Imagined.

Would start crowd funding to buy the company. User and employee owned company concept (Genossenschaft). More a legacy conserving company.

First move: open source the firmwares to keep the platform afloat and ignite quick development.

Next move: hire Jürgen Michaelis as consultant to bring the JoMoX kick to upcoming machines that include analog circuitry.

Next move: reissue classics (so that Behringer does not have to do it) or go directly to start and let Behringer produce MDmk2UW+ as first product of the reissue line.

Next byproduct: Battery pack for normal AA recharchable batteries to screw under DT/DN/ST.

If that works and money is there for RD:

Update all firmwares to include all features (midi tracks, LFO numbers, bandpass filter).

Develop new machine that incorporates OT functions and choosable DT based workflow as option, software plugin machines (FM stuff, other digital synths and filters) open to 3rd party, include sticky function button function (no more shift actions needed) and best audio hardware for the bats in the user group.

Sort of that along the lines.

So, either the future is bright or has bright OLED screens :wink:

Info to Elektron: above is just a humorous remark. I am very happy with recent developments and products. Love that they keep updating all legacy products beginning from AR, A4, OT mk1 era.


thx CEO of fun :euro:

Yes, if they would go bankrupt which doesn’t look that way right now. I think it would at least be worth to try to save the idea and mindset incorporated in machines, workflow and community.

…on this years super booth we’re introducing the end of an era, Elektron Overbridge development had a huge impact on our budget the last 10years because our support team successfully deleted all your questions regarding the non working state of things and we thought humans need a computer controlled interface instead of a second LFO in Hardware…which we coul’ve copied from the Digitakt OS, because that’s developed on the Rytm backbone….

soo yeeeahhh, that’s the end of an Era :package:

Elaborate? Sounds like you’re not 100% satisfied customer?

iam :sun_with_face:

the only thing that baffles me (since the overbridge launch) is that it’s still not capable of Auto Switching from window to window….you need to act with a mouse/trackpad, not the Elektron hardware alone :sunflower:

I love Elektron :raised_hands:t4:

I am (was) buffled that it came into existence at all (was a realistic nonbeliever before that) and that it just works!!! :smiley::+1: (reg. OB)