What's next for Elektron?

A modular sequencer based on elektron sequencer would be interesting :smiley:

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These are all products that Elektron would not release IMO


As much as I love elektron gear they really need a sequencer that handles polyphony better,
they really are still monophonic sequencers that can have extra notes added on top,
I have a toraiz squid and it’s possible to overdub etc and it handles multiple notes better…
So would like to see improvement on the current way of handling multiple notes or a new sequencer with improved methods more like how the squid does polyphony so it’s able to capture a realistic keyboard performance…


A proper polysynth, pls! … digital, of course

The digitone is a poly synth?

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By “proper Elektron polysynth” i mean at least 6 tracks of polyphony, not 1 track with 4-tone of kind-of-polyphony. That’s just pathetic imo in 2020!

And if DN was a polysynth we wouldn’t have threads like this: What polysynth would pair well with a Digitone?


So you mean the sequencer as I’ve mentioned also?
The digitone has 8 voices and is a great synth I’m actually happy with,
I just wish the sequencer could record in the notes better


the dn is a poly synth, it has 8 real polyphonic voices. also its 4 midi tracks are 8 voice poly each… it is just not in a classical layout…


I thought it was 2 voices each midi track?

Am I wrong?

Think it’s only 4 notes of poly for midi isn’t it?

It’s 8 voices shared over 4 tracks with max 4 notes per chord for the synth engine…
It’s not 2 notes per track as you said

Edit: it’s actually 8 notes per chord

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i am pretty sure it is exactly like i wrote before.

image image

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are you sure about that? i thought it can do 8 note chords/voices per trig also for the sequencer of the synth…
do not have it anymore, so can not test it…



I stand corrected, it does do 8 notes per trig,
I honestly thought it was 4 notes like the Octatrack, analog four and digitakt…

but my first point still stands, the sequencer still acts like a mono just with notes stacked on top


Can you elaborate on the distinction?

Read the info in the image above…
the first trig sets the velocity for all notes…
the last released note sets the length of all notes.
if you record notes over the previous placed trigs the new notes will overwrite the previously placed trigs

The toraiz squid can have independent note lengths and velocity per note so it’s possible to do trills and notes on and off and strummed chords etc and record more natural keyboard playing…

The way it’s done on the digitone the chord is like 1 note just with extra notes stacked on top.
I was playing things today with a midi keyboard that just was not possible to record into the sequencer

Edit: This being said I’m still a huge Elektron fan and own 5 Elektron boxes and they are all more than capable of creating amazing music… it’s mainly only the digitone I think would benefit from improved poly handling with its 8 voices


Even minilogue sequencer is capable of that! Elektron need to step up here :smiley:


I would love for Elektron to come out with a full Eurorack module or system. Perhaps a sequencer with touch sensitive Buchla style controls to send CV between Elektron gear and modular synths?


Ooh, the DN/DT OS Update has been dropped from the top of the News category. The last time a pinned news item (Overbridge 2.0 release) was dropped off the top of the pile, it was almost exactly when the aforementioned OS Updates came into our lives. Could we see some more OS goodies coming v soon?!?! (Yes, I’m obsessed).


doubt it - i think they’re still on summer holidays. new tshirt looks nice though!