What the frick is modulating my analog BD

Trying to wrap my head around what is going on here.
I unplugged the midi cables to see if there was something external causing this… but it seems like my bass drum likes to choose different parameters every so often??? Of course i made sure the LFO are not doing anything. What am i missing here?

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Is there some kind of cycle?
Are all the LFO inactive?

Did it go away after power cycle?

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Try sequencing the bass drum at different intervals, getting increasingly closer together and see if it has to do with the envelope getting retriggered or something.

Should also give some indication of whether it happens at a predictable interval ie LFO is active even though it says it’s not, something like that.

Jeanne is right though, power cycle is a good idea and easy to accomplish.


If you unplug the USB cable?

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Thanks everyone, I appreciate the quick feedback… wrapping my head around the intricacies of these machines is enough without random things like this happening. In this instance, a power cycle was all that was needed :woozy_face:


I actually had this two times many months ago. It was a bit different, the pitch envelope seemed to be free running instead of triggering, or something like that.
Not something I’d like to experience when playing live.
But it has not happened since …
Worth a bug report I think.


I went and added a reply to the syntakt bug reports thread, I quoted you directly in there. Thanks again, glad I wasn’t “being crazy.”

It might be worth opening a support ticket on the Elektron site, too.


Is that how it’s ‘officially’ done? Bug reports? I didn’t want to overburden the support team since they probably deal with a lot (i mean, reading all the feature requests, bug reports on here alone blows my mind) with each added machine/feature/update it’s like another layer of complexity… i imagine the team on certain days is like… what have we done :hot_face:

I would assume they treat the forum as a secondary source, and the customer service requests as a primary source.


Yes indeed, please report through a ticket, it’s very important for them to trace the different problems.


If you want a direct response, file a ticket.

Staff is generally not taking much from there, they’d never get anything done if they had to read everyone’s forum posts :slight_smile:


Happened to me too ! Stopped randomly after two restart of the machine. I didn’t think much of it but it’s definitely the same bug. I’ll file a ticket too :slight_smile:


Alright I created a support ticket letting them know I am not actively seeking support just making a bug report, with limited info on how to re-create the bug but I will keep an eye out for this in the future.


This is a bug. I’ve run into it before and added it to the bugs thread. It goes away after restarting the unit. Haven’t been able to replicate it again.

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This has happened to me twice, again just now! 30 seconds ago.

All analog sounds (all? I havent tested all machines) start to modulate and/or misfire in some way. It misses a transient or something. Most notes sound fine, but 1 out of every 20 or so do this. Restarting the device seems to make it go away, but it definitely comes back. Mine sounded exactly like the video.

After 1.3 I’ve had something similar happen on Tha analog tracks. Using BD analog sometime it’s bugs out and when you hit a trig it will play different transients (at least that’s what it sounds like) powering off and back solves it. Never happened before 1.3 tho

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This is a bug, and we’re really interested in finding what triggers it. From what I understand, this issue has occurred before 1.30 (according to @Jeanne above), but it seems a few more people have reported it here, after 1.30.

Has anyone with this issue had it directly from power-on, or has it only occurred after working with the unit for a while?

If someone happen to get this issue again and you have the chance to leave your machine connected and turned on, please send me a DM here. Not the preferred or usual support method, but maybe we’re online at the same time and can try to pinpoint it.


Hej, it was directly after power on (and went away after a power cycle).