What’s next for Ess / Fors?

Ahh thanks for the explanation! Flux definitely adds an interesting “weirdness” to stuff but I had no idea what I was actually controlling

if you can have a feature where the sequencer can do midi out then this would be a dream device


Great work Ess. I just bought Kit & Opal. They inspire me to use Ableton for something other than just editing, and have a healthy does of experimental flavour to them. Highly recommended :star_struck:

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I think this would need to be its own device – like an Opal for external instruments/plugins/devices – in any case this is definitely something I want to do down the line, it just wasn’t feasible for the initial release. :slight_smile:


Thanks :slight_smile:

The stuff I have got out out if it (I think it was that) kind of remind me of AMSR breathy whispery vocal type stuff.

Just for clarity, if you are engaging Flux, does it feed into the reverb? Or the other way round (or even serial?)

Hip Hop here we come :smiley:


So time shift I guess ?

Then we see within 24 hours multi-plugout and this new Nudge feature both teased. You are my kind of passionate about your awesome max toys!!!


I did say small


Opal looks really interesting. Unfortunately, I don’t have Ableton Live, and I don’t plan to get it either. But I would love to see some videos of someone using Opal just to understand if I should start begging for a standalone version or not :slight_smile:

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Fors modules in an Ableton case. :nerd_face:


Beautiful, thank you! :pray:

I bought and played with it yesterday. And Opal is the first Max device that reminds me of the good old hardware days. I missed the nudge function indeed but I see that there is an update soon. I like Opal, puts a smile on my face and I couldn’t sit still behind the computer screen. Sounds good, easy to use (with a little help from the manual on some functions). I will use it in my next track for my new soon to release album. That album is drenched in fors device sounds by the way HA!!! Keep making these devices @Ess These are my favorite!


Could it be interesting / possible to record pattern changes in automation ? Pattern switch is quite fast… Or may be ( OK, one more feature request ah ah), a pattern chaining page / tab later ?

Yeah, of course :slight_smile: you can automate the pattern changes using the automation parameter called “Active Pattern”


am I the only noob having problems uploading and installing it Live?

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I find the way Live handles installing Max devices so confusing! I opened the alp and let it install it to a random place and magically the device appeared in my “Max for Live” section (this doesn’t happen with every M4L device), but would be cool to get some official install instructions. It confuses me every time I install an M4L thing lol


oh thanks, just tried clicking on the arrows !

which one the .alp file or the “package folder”?

greets mate,

do you have the time to upload a visual guide to installing the devices?

for us non-digital old noobs…thank you