What’s next for Ess / Fors?

Just a quicky quick dumb thingie to say hi to Opal.


checked the manual but didn’t see anything about multi-outs so i can separate all the instruments. i know it comes with individual voices for dropping in drum racks… which is really amazing and i wish more people would do that… but i’m wondering about sequencing/jamming and spitting out all the audio from the voices to their own tracks so i can edit/mix etc later.

any word on that?

sounds fantastic btw.


awesome, this plus glänta will be my holiday fun :slight_smile: cheers ess

Definitely – would be amazing if it could be keyboard-navigated.

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Any chance a future update could have micro-timing? :pray:

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This is pretty much 3 instances of Opal and some sample snippets. It’s a bit discordant and not what I usually make at all, but interesting that it inspired a different vibe. It’s a completely different workflow in live!


This would pretty much be the only thing I would be asking for at any pace

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Dream setup would be: OPAL + SUPERBERRY but in hardware form…
Can’t stare at a screen for long time anymore :confused:
Great pieces of software anyway!!


Hoping Opal ends up getting released as an iOS app at some point(with added song mode), the interface seems perfect for it imo


more :smiley:


would iOS be possible?


This would be incredible with touch.

I think I might try mapping these to the OP-Z via MIDI for a kind of mini Digitone


+3 !!!

Also: I’d love to see all Fors devices on iOS 'cause I won’t ever be buying Ableton Live.


I will love that the sequencer could send MIDI out to other devices on Ableton.
Thanks again for your superb work!

This is not possible in Max for Live unfortunately. As in, a Max instrument cannot have multi-out tracks like a VST. Would have if I could!

EDIT: I was wrong – it is possible and will likely be available in an update.

There’s a chance! :smiley:

No, not at all. To clarify what I meant regarding making a standalone application; it’s possible to author a standalone desktop application in Max, but that’s a fairly limited format.


thanks for the clarification. not a deal breaker for me. great drum machine. the instruments are really flexible. wide range of sounds available.


Just bought this as a Xmas gift to myself…

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I wonder if you could use the send/receive mechanism they talk about here? Article: Audio Routes: A new system for multi-channel routing in Ableton Live | Cycling '74

Edit: or this seems to suggest multi outs are possible: [plugout~] multiple outputs - Max For Live Forum | Cycling '74

Disclaimer: I know nothing about Max so have no idea if this is actually usable, was just surprised there is such a limitation


AFAIK it wasn’t a possibility, but perhaps something has changed. I don’t want a hacky solution (which send/receive would involve), but if this is now supported I’ll of course add it in. :slight_smile:

The format is very quirky and has a lot of caveats, so some things simply aren’t viable.

EDIT: Haha well you learn something new every day. Next update will probably have multichannel output from the looks of it.