What’s next for Ess / Fors?


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“Each synth engine in Opal comes as a separate Max for Live device which you can sequence, automate and route however you want.”

This is on the official page


Wow, this thing looks and sounds beautiful! :star_struck:

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Oh Joy.


How about Opal Sequencer routing to 3rd party vets and not just Max devices that come with Opal? Maybe question for ESS? I love Fors devices/synths but also have some substantial VST’s I love like Falcon, Omnisphere, Dune and Pigments.

Is this usable just with Max, without Ableton?

Def. a question for Ess

Definitely something that’s been on my mind, but had to put it on the backburner because of how large this project already was. I hope to make a MIDI/control version of the Opal sequencer at some point - would make sense! No promises though.


I haven’t tested it in Max outside of Ableton Live, but it should technically work. Max for Live devices can be hosted inside of Max, so theoretically you should be able to simply connect it to the Max transport and have it go. It is however very technically complex and unorthodox so I can’t promise that it will just work.


A pure MAX sequencer that can route output to any VST would be so awesome. So many have been asking for Elektron to make a standalone seq to handle any hardware (external or VST). I for one love my Push 2 and Live 11 and really would love an Elektron like sequencer to drive my VSTs without having to buy a Digi (for example). The Push 2 step sequencers are just passable and certainly not the Push 2’s strong feature. BTW: Big congratulations. Opal sounds very nice.


@Ess I feel like you are going to get hit with a barrage of Elektronauts speciality feature requests for some time :joy:

Just know that what you have delivered her is incredible at version 1 :slight_smile:


thank you

incredible :fire:

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I’m allergic to computers :’(


I see :grinning:

A Syntakt would be the obvious choice if you don’t have it already.

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I don’t have it, but it looks much more conventional to me than this Opal

I should give it a try, though :slight_smile:

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holy hell! can I use the sequencer to sequence a drum rack? if so, this is everything i’ve ever wanted for Ableton. If i can use modulo to set trig conditions for a drum rack, then I get my Elektron workflow and can still use my VSTs. also, does it have micro-timing? @Ess

EDIT: does it work in Ableton 10 too?

edit: (yess it does, work in Live 10)

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Oh yeah, I didn’t even consider the UI part. But congrats on getting it out there!

This looks awesome, really into the clarity of the sequencer UI. Are there individual outputs for the tracks/FX send?

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