What is the price $ for a PCB board for analog rytm mki?

Hello, I want to know if anyone has had to change the PCB board of their analog rytm mki,
How much can a pcb cost for analog rytm mki?

Is it worth making this investment?

By the way, the pcb of my AR MKI presented failures months after updating to the latest version of OS (1.70), however, this was not necessarily the cause.

Apparently, and after consulting with technical support, the potential solution is to change the PCB board

I appreciate if anyone has information on this.

Support should be able to provide you with a cost and even setup an invoice on your elektron.se account. There’s no need to commit to the purchase. They’d be happy to tell you the price if you ask.


It cost me $300 to get new board, screen cover, and pads about two years ago. It was roughly 3 week turn around.


This price would be including the shop rate service fee for labor, so if installing it yourself (they mail you the board and you install at home) one can assume the cost is likely half of this or possibly less. It is definitely possible for them to generate an order without you finalizing it so that you know the exact cost to order the part, you will have to convey to them that this is your intention though.

If you want Elektron to perform the service and do an in-house diagnostic, I don’t think they can give you an exact cost until they have the device in their hands to confirm the issue, but they could probably give you an estimate none the less.

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