What is the Best Musical Advice You've Ever Gotten?

The most talented practice many hours everyday.


Ride it hard, put it away wet.

I suspect you are on the horny frequency these days with your recent posts.

I have sworn celibacy.

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I did that when my twins were born.


Also this is one of my favorite music reads ever, so worth sticking here as well.


I remember I read somwhere that one should feel the kick in the chest and the bass in the guts. It always made a lot of sense to me as a mixing advice and something I’ll always remember


Best advice someone gave me was to sell my stuff and get a Mac

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I read a comment once on here a long time ago to the effect that if what you’re working on isn’t really going smoothly, consider whether you are trying to push past your current level of ability too much, then simplify and make the track you’re capable of making today. I probably paraphrased it badly, but this was actually what inspired me to get started recording things.


Thanks! Really enjoy this thread and the signal to noise, it’s one of the most active worth subscribing to :slight_smile:

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“Fuck it.”

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If you are trying to sound different, go way beyond what you think is different. Because what you initially think is different is guaranteed not to be that different. (Sound advice from Robin Finck of NIN.)


Tracks are like dancefloor b-boy circles.
Each element of your song is like a b-boy.
The can’t all be dancing in the center at the same time.
Just let ONE dance in the circle at any given time.

Shane Berry


You obviously never used a Korg KPR 77.

“Fuck em” my old man


What about the synergy of 2 or 3 people (sounds) dancing together?


I think the aspect of the visualization that clicks with me is that there can still be a circle or soul train ongoing, there’s still people dancing, but you’re keeping your… ears on one “unit” at a time, be it a solo dancer or the interplay of a duet.

There’s a little shimmy around you (unless you’re showboating or soloing) but try to keep focus and energy on one element at a time.

If they’re all shifting together without any segmentation or differentiation, it might come off as noise or harder to follow.

Which can be its own hypnotic and destabilizing effect, but that would be intentional, or more towards how you categorize the “dancer” being one set of instruments or a single instrument.

I mean ultimately you’re visualizing dancing and dancers with dance music, which should help you connect to a dance floor (or your living room!)


Perhaps that’s when 2 or 3 of them do one of their little b-boy “routines” (which I always found rather funny with their we’re-aggressive-and-fiercely-competitive-but-totally-not-cause-we’re-all-just-dancing-after-all vibe)

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Did you ever tell your brother how much his negative comment effected you? Not that it matters now…