What is "Elektron magic" to you?

Great thread.
Great responses.

I enjoy this community greatly and love making weird sounds some nights… then making full tracks the next.

The design asthetic of the MK1 units are what attracted me initially - especially how the Rytm uses both samples and a synth engine on each pad! I layer almost every sound in all of my DAW based tracks already so this made a lot of sense to me.

Great suppost when needed from both Elektron and this community is what I call the Elektron Magicz


The fact that everything just makes sense. I haven’t had any moments that make me think “Why the FUCK is this like this?” I still have to learn the machines, but it’s never illogical. Everything is so clearly well designed and purposefully thought out. A buddy of mine who is into synthesizers but hasn’t gotten into Elektron told me there was no way he’d be able to wrap his head around an Elektron unit (though he likes his MPC Live :man_shrugging:). I powered up my MnM, made a simple bass part and showed him how P locks work. “You just hold the trig on the note, then turn the knob you want. Like if you want it panned over here for this trig. Or you want the pulse width set to this setting on this trig. Or you want the filter more closed on this trig” and he said “Oh…That actually makes a lot of sense” and I said “THE WHOLE MACHINE IS LIKE THIS!”

So it’s that kind of thing. I’ve said this before but I don’t think it gets brought up enough: Even the design of this forum is “Elektron magic.” The way replies work, saved posts, highlighting comments and then the option to quote pops up, searching by category/instrument, scrolling through the comments on the right side of the screen. At first it’s all a little weird and new, but once you learn it you wish that everything else worked like it does. Seriously, I go to other forums and just find myself rolling my eyes. “Why can’t I like this comment? Why do I need to click page numbers to get to the next set of replies? Why doesn’t this forum remember the last post I read and just take me there when I click the thread?”


The Monomachine.


elektron magic for me:

  • sequencer is foundational and is sort of the “video game controller” paired with the endless encoders, transport keys, plocks, and function + key combos across all machines
  • interoperability through midi and sync reliability
  • consistent design language & aesthetic relationship between products (they feel like a family)
  • multi-use: each machine has strengths but offers many secondary features
  • extremely diligent at interacting with their community

and the best for last:

  • EVERYTHING IS FRICKIN M U L T I T I M B R A L :man_singer:t5::man_singer:t4::woman_singer:t3::woman_singer:t2::woman_singer::man_singer:

I feel a warmth when reading through this thread!

I think the tracker mentality is key to the magic. It’s in the sequencer obviously. But it’s also in the sound and design.
Another thing is the immediacy. Well, true you gotta set up stuff before you are really there, but there is nothing between you and the engine. There is a rawness to the operation.
Performance orientation is a third thing. All you need is one box. One box is a universe of sound and possibilities. I will never forget when I blew the minds of my synth friends 2008 while performing with MNM and MD. Elektron surely got themselves a few new customers that night :slight_smile:

I have owned most of the units. I would say that the MNM and the OT are the ones that show off that magic to me.

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waiting 2 years for overbridge :-))))


Elektron to me is deep, clever electronic instruments that allow you to grow with them and them with you, that push boundaries in performance and sound. I am a proud owner of MM, MD, A4, Octa MkII and 2 bootleg Elektron shirts!

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What is Megacommand? I need this in my lyfe


For me Elektron Magic is the same thing as a good book. Full of surprises that you wish would never end.

All of my bandmates hate my Elektrons, they can’t stand the menu diving and really can’t be bothered to learn. I love diving deep into my Elektrons and almost every time discovering something new or something I’ve lost earlier. They seem somehow boundless, but at the same time limited in a good way.


I’m not sure with the last product. Do we know who is the genetic father? :stuck_out_tongue:


My funny uncle


Its a hardware controller/sequencer designed specifically for the Machinedrum (+4 track sequencer for the Analog4 or other midi devices)… a modern evolution of Ruin Wesen’s old MiniCommand.

Offers some other performance advantages like easily combining different tracks from different patterns on the fly also.





The feeling I get when watching older Elektron videos (the ones with Hector in it) is perfectly what I would describe »Elektron magic«.

Since these times seem to be over, Cenks sorcerous artistry is what I hold on to.


Okay, but where can I buy such a rare piece of machinery? ebay lists 0 for sale, and no retailers found via quick googling…

One box of pure magical depth that is akin to a Hatori Hanso sword in Kill Bill and something that GOD (should he exist) himself would be proud of… Octatrack!

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I knew they had something else planned for NAMM!

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Slimlined version… 1 fader per… ehm to function :wink:

Contact #JustinValer who is the creator of, and very active on that thread link I supplied.


I like all the flashing lights on mine.