What happens when digitakt is full

If anyone is curious once you fill up the digitakt you will get failed to load from the elektron transfer and you will get a bar that is not filled up if you try to sample something. Hopefully we will get a better over view of are samples with overbridge but for now not freak out if suddenly you get fail to load. You probably just filled you system with big samples. :sunglasses:

are you referring to filling up the 1GB +Drive or the 64MB project RAM?

The 1GB +drive have yet to actually load 64mb into a project

The answer is, plug in a USB and transfer the clutter to your computer.

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if only you could :confused: I guess that is comming soon. I sure can load it up with junk though haha

Really? Had no idea it doesn’t work to export files. Yes, I been using Transfer to load a few samples, but never tried exporting out. Hmmm…