What games are you guys playing?

Wondering what kind of games you guys are playing both online and off?

I have a PS4 and Nintendo switch, On PS4 I’ve been playing a ton of Skater XL, Doom (2016) and Red dead redemption 2 and on the switch I’ve been playing car soccer (rocket league), Doom 1 and 2, Duke Nukem (3D), Quake, Mario maker 2 and Animal crossing.

If anyone wants to get down with some multiplayer on the switch my user name is: DR.YEET my gamer ID is ( SW-7556-5374-3601) and on PS4 is: matthew_savant if anyone wants to add me feel free.

Other than those games what do you guys recommend and what have you been playing? Specifically on PS4, switch and maybe iOS

Hi, you might want to check this thread here:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Computer Video Game Recommendations