What features on the OT do you NOT use?

Same here, sometimes less for xperimental sessions. For the last genre, neighbour and midi are often the most utilised.
Now, for techno, i mostly use AR, and OT is used for fx and more scenes.

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You upgraded from OT-bike to OT-car?
Tip: control the balance with the crossfader to steer you’r car.

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I know it’s not easy to accept that humans are dumb. The only person I know who uses her brain at 100% is Scarlett Johansson.

Edit : on drugs


sorry dude, that was just a top shelf delusional drug binge. watch it again :wink:

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It isn’t correct. This number came from a time where the inner workings of the brain were extremely poorly understood.

See (for example):

Ten percent of the brain myth


What are we talking about?

The chorus, phaser and flanger are wonderful…especially if you send LFOs to their rates, feedbacks, whatever. Definitely put them on hats and pads. I love swishy hats!

I‘m no fan of these effects in general. it‘s not OT specific, I just don’t use them

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Just when I thought the movie was real. Thank you for making us (humans) less dumb.


Pickup machines and Arrangement mode are the biggest ones for me, I’m not even sure I have opened arrangement view once, these things frighten me and I much prefer doing such structuring into a DAW.

I was also afraid of sending program changes to other machines and work with simultaneous pattern changes and sound changes. I tried it out recently and found out I was definitely right, trying to build songs with multiple patterns on more than one machine is and will remain the stuff of nightmares for me.

Man, this is a great thread! I definitely forgot about some of the features mentioned. It’s interesting to see how everyone uses this thing. It really is an instrument of epic proportions.


Many people mentioned different use cases for CUE.
I have one more.
I use CUE as a send bus for a master fx on my main mixer. I put cue pair into mixer channel which is muted and have pre-fader send to a master fx slot. So, with the CUE level in the OT I can control how much of each track is sent to the fx in the same way as another synths on my main mixer.


thanks for posting this video, that is a really nice trick!
i use a lot of samples made on the op-1 with the OT, more specifically, i like to record a synth melody or sequence with a certain op-1 synth engine and pan that hard left, then i record the same melody or sequence with slightly altered parameters and pan that hard right. with this trick i could basically cross-fade between these two “synth presets” on the OT. and it only takes up one track, pretty neat!

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Never clicked with the Parts feature.

Scenes and fader rarely gets used. :slight_smile:

Live sampling not too much either.
Too much setting up of buffers and inputs.

I wish static/flex/pickups was one and the same smart machine.

Arrange mode I have only used once. Programming four songs for a live performance.

Flanger and phaser.

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Just a thought : Is it possible to send an LFO to the Fader?

Crossfader sends and receives CC48. Hook up midi in to midi out and throw a midi lfo at it?


Cool, thanks.

Or use a DT MIDI Track to send CC48 to OT’s Audio Track.

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Yeah, or any other source you might have.

Btw, I just tested with midi loopback on OT. You have to use a track channel. It doesn’t matter which one, choose any of the midi channels assigned to an audio track. Also works if only one audio track has a midi channel assigned to it. Also make sure ‘Audio CC In’ is checked.

Using the auto channel with the midi track selected causes the CTRL I has assigned to jump around and it won’t react to turning the knob.

It’s actualy pretty cool, because you can modulate several parameters with a single lfo!



Thats right.
