What do you think about this idea?

There is an idea - [Performance Group] on one page with assigning parameters for live performance.

What do you think?


It’s a cool idea, though I don’t see how it’s an aspect of Trig Parameters. I get that that’s where it could fit in terms of UI, but Trig parameters conceptually apply to each trig not to an aspect of performance.

…i was surprised to see that last huuuuge update showing up…
after stating in quite a while, there’s not much headroom left in the one singled chip cpu of the takt for further optimization…

but gladly, i was wrong…but hmmmmm, now, i’m afraid, we really hitted some sort of ceiling finallee…
while hey, i was wrong once…why not twice…

looks like a nice try…but further performance mode advantages to be squeezed in on top of all latest 1.3…i don’t see this coming, if even still possible, that soonish…

not to mention the fact, that dedicated performance macros remain a big selling point for rytm and a4…
how far is sweden willing to take it for their mid price segment…?
facing where it’s at, takt IS already pretty much that one and only outstanding no brainer purchase when it comes to hardware samplers and sample based groove and beyond music boxes…

let’s better hope for another try on the low price segment, with the naked swedish sequencer engine plus various controler surfaces all talkin’ universal midi to whatever u got…
cause once u got external but hardwired hands full on control under ur fingers, pre adressed to UR whishlist here, u can go beyond for real, without getting nuts on and within takts ui surface…