What Are You Listening To Lately (Part 1)

Techno, pure and simple.



From here:

I went there:

And found this:



I’ve been going through lots of old stuff and some new

Neo ouija cottage industries 1 to 10
Alt. Frequencies vol 1 to 3 ( worm interface )
Kudos records a is for apple etc
Roel funcken catalogue bought off Bandcamp ( full of genuinely stunning work )
Firescope Bandcamp catalogue ( full of very nice stuff )
Autechre 1993 Birmingham soundboard recordings.

I’ve doing doing lots of 1 to 2 hour mixes going up on soundcloud.
Up to mix 20 but not posted them all.

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That’s seriously good. Imagine it in a pitch dark room with a crushing soundsystem :open_mouth:

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Started to Spotify music from when I bought my first stereo…

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Freaky Styley :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

David Byrne, Kate Bush, Parliment and Bobcat Goldthwait had a love child that formed a band…

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[Autechre mix]


How was it? Missed the stream

Inter-Dimensional Music through IASOS

Initially…it didn’t hit me. Some bits did, but the rest just didn’t do it for me.

I think it was partly being over hyped and in the wrong mindset.

Since then, and several spins later, im really starting to get into it. A couple tunes I just can’t. But the rest is great. I find in the car, doesn’t really werk. Stereo, good, some thick ass bass. But best on good headphones. It’s so well produced!

Recommend this album! :+1:t6:

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