What and when M:S autosaves, if it does?

Everything seems to work again. I was able to load projects from PC and they work, I lost several projects and I’m gonna be careful. All in all, I’d recommend to power from a powerbank, especially if you have power outages.

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Good to know!
What did you do that made loading your backup work?
I suspect that as long as it’s not been properly shut down, the state of the project is not properly backupable.

A quicksave shortcut that saves the current project + put in on the +Drive is quite needed indeed.

I performed a reset and empty reset from the menu (hold func+power up) and then I did firmware update. The device became the same as it was when it was new :slight_smile:

Yeah, this is one of the things that are still on my list to do, but it’s not a high priority thing and unfortunately, it seems it will take more time until I reach down there in the pile. However, from a user perspective, you should always consciously save your stuff regularly and assume that nothing gets saved otherwise. That is at least what I do :crazy_face: I am a slightly manic “save” person :smiley: Oh, and always (and only) use the MAIN VOLUME knob to switch the device off.
Thanks for poking me about it though :slightly_smiling_face:


The Models don‘t have the option to enable write protection for projects? Analog Four/Keys and Rytm have it, not sure about others, though. I never used it. I quickly scanned the M:S manual, seems they don‘t.
Regular backups should give you similar safety. In case you‘ve overwritten/lost work, you have something to fall back to.
The new Transfer is super quick, it‘s just a matter of click + drag n drop.

I’m a fan of Elektrons autosave for various reasons, but somehow it feels natural for me - do your thing, the machine does its thing and when you’re happy save your work.

Maybe having undo properly integrated (more than the currently available one undo stage and a history which lets you view and choose from undo stages) would make it easier to work in an autosave environment?

I appreciate the Elektron philosophy and the way Elektron machines work - they are very much about the moment, about playing in a fluid environment, focusing on what‘s important now and stuff that isn‘t important doesn’t get in your way. They basically assist you with getting into the zone.

I‘m a „manic save person“, too. So I do save pretty much whenever I get the opportunity and I do save always when I‘m happy with the current state.
Regardless, I also do regular backups and luckily never lost any work.

Found myself writing this long reply on FB then remembered this thread here … thought I’d copy and paste to summarise a lot of the above, and directly answer the OP.

There are only two things that write your work permanently into the project memory of the model cycles/samples.

  1. Going to the project menu and choosing save.

  2. Going to the project menu and loading a different project, and when it asks ‘save this project first’, reply yes.

Nothing else is a permanent save. Including powering down ‘properly’. If you power down ‘properly’ you have the illusion of a permanent save, because that saves a working copy of only the current project. (When you power up that working copy is restored, it’s never saved to project memory). There have been incidents where people have never done either (1) or (2) in months, and then lost everything on an accidental loss of power. (You might get lucky and find your ‘working copy’ survives that power off. You might not.)

Do not trust ‘just power off properly’ to permanently save your work. There’s a chance it could come back to bite you.

In addition to (1) and (2) above, you also have to save the pattern to the project of course.


I have found that if a pattern save was performed before losing power, then the pattern can be restored by reload loading the project after restarting the device.