Weird thing happening with saving / making kits?

i got my monomachine mk1 last friday and i’ve been having alot of fun with it. i made a song (kit) using up 3 tracks and saved it, i called it “pump” and was going to make another song called “dark”. they would’ve both been in an ep that i was making but what stopped me was pumps midi sequence was on darks kit, so i deleted the sequence and made dark. but when i went to pump to record the official audio everything was changed! the machines where the same. but the sequence of dark was on pumps kit! ahh! its all so confusing. the monomachine is my dream machine but this problem is in the way of me achiving everything i’ve ever wanted to do! please help me fix this so i can get back to producing :frowning:

The Elektron instruments are a little unusual (but very powerful) in the way that they are organized. Therefore new users have to learn the terminology that goes with them. The kit is the set of sounds in use across all six tracks of the MM.

Each pattern is associated with a kit but when you move from one pattern to another the contents of the kit are not automatically saved. So save the kit anytime you make any changes to it that you want to keep.

If you make a new pattern that is associated with a kit that is in use by another pattern, making changes to the kit also changes the sound that is used by the other pattern.

So if you want to make a completely different piece of music from what you have done already, make sure that you save the sounds in a dedicated kit. That way there will be no overwriting of one set of sounds by another set.

Edit to add: if you haven’t already, download the MM manual from the Elektron website and got to page 18 for a fuller explanation of kits.

It’s a bit strange at first but you will soon get used to it.

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In addition to what @PeterHanes said above, you need to slightly change the way you think about kits on the Monomachine.

Saving a kit won’t save pattern data. Pattern A01 will contain the same sequence no matter which kit you use. So, for example, you could have pattern A01 using the “pump” kit. If you want to go and make another sequence, with the “dark” kit, you could move to A02 (or any other pattern), load the kit there, and then create the sequence. Now, when switching from A01 to A02 (either manually via the bank buttons, or using song mode), the kit will change accordingly.

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You can always maintain a kit per pattern, or have multiple patterns associated with one kit, or have many kits linked to one pattern. It’s a really useful tool to be able to load a whole other kit on top of a pattern playing live, tons of artifacts created with plenty of happy accidents. I like to maintain a standard for what machines are on each track, for instance bbox on track 1 always, that way it’s a confined madness.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

thanks guys, i’m starting to understand this but i was thinking that this question might help me alot. when you guys are making a new kit on the mono, how do you guys start with a blank sequence without ruining the last sequence you worked on? sorry if this doesn’t make since. im still super new to all of this.

You need to change to a different pattern. Remember that loading/creating a new kit doesn’t provide a new set of empty patterns to use, it’ll just change the kit that is associated with the currently selected pattern.

You can select a different pattern by holding one of the bank buttons (in the middle of the unit, with A B C D / E F G H above them) and then pressing one of the 16 trig keys. For example, hold the button with A above it and press trig 2 to select pattern A02 (this is true while the LED to the right corresponds to the A B C D label; this can be toggled by pressing the BANK button).


aaa i cant tell you how much this helped me, thank you. :grinning::sob:

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