Warm sounding analog synth for deep house productions

dear all,

i’m considering to buy an analog synth. i want to use it for rather clean and deep sounds as common with what is generally known as deep house.

it should not be too big (2-3 octaves keyboard) and have nice knobs and buttons - must be very simple, not another complex thing like OT (I have one).
It should just be fun and make me go wow with its sounds.

I like the concept of Arturia’s minibrute, but this one is too harsh sounding for my taste.

poly or mono, I don’t care. Poly would be nice for chords, though.

budget not more than 2000 EUR.

any ideas? maybe minitaur?

Juno 6/60?

Moog Sub Phatty for bass (and simple intuitive interface). Mopho X4 for poly? Most vintage polys are quite large - 5 octave keyboards - there isn’t a huge choice of modern analog polys with good controls.

Mono: I would go with one of the recent Moogs like Sub Phatty
Poly: Either one of the recent Novation or Arturia sytnhs (EDIT: ok, too harsh maybe for your taste?)

Personally, I would prefer Barfunkel’s suggestion of a Juno 6/60, but these have a larger 61 keys keyboard

ive heard good things about the bass station 2 keyboard

Regarding the Minibrute, I agree, I had it for a couple of weeks but the sound was too harsh for me too but I loved the interface. Is it just me or does the ‘microbrute’ sound different from the demos? It’s got a nicer sound in the demos.

A Bass Station II sounds like what you are looking for. But if you can spring for a Moog then go for it. I own a BSII and have only tried out a Sub Phatty in stores. For me I would say the BSII is easier to use and does pack a punch. Sound wise it isn’t a Moog but it isn’t bad either.

I don’t know what I was thinking before, but the recent Novation (BSII) and Arturia synths are all mono, so for poly you’re stuck with vintage or VA or a new hybrid like Ambika.

Maybe a prophet 08 module or a tetra with a small midi keyboard attached?
Or how about a mopho keys poly chained with a tetra? Then you have a knobby interface, small keyboard and 5 voices.

U need a Polysix. Its made for classic deephouse. Wonderful for that stuff.