Waldorf Quantum

I agree it does look nice. Having Axel Hartmann back to update the look, and also to improve the touch-screen, just makes sense. Premium product, premium designer.

I’m sure you need to see it in front of you, but this picture gives me an impression on how the new finish looks.


Another big change is increasing the internal memory to 59GB. The Quantum / Iridium with their multiple synth engines changes the ways you can do things, but having all that storage, opens other new options as well.

thomann already has a few pictures of the new quantum here. what a sound monster


It has all the desirable and expected upgrades, but I wish they’d gone a little outside the box and added six macro buttons as on the Iridium Keyboard.


My suspicion is this is as much motivated by product line up concerns (flagship should clearly be above the others if it’s more expensive) as well as due to parts supply issues.

Wouldn’t be too surprised if something else like an Iridium ends up Mk2’d as part of rebranding and parts related issues.


Most definitely, Rolf, et al, and Waldorf have thought of this as a family of products right along, and finding ways to further monetize on the investment is very much in their minds. How this actually manifests is an open question.

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I’ve been looking at an Iridium for a while now. I’d love a Quantum mk2 but just don’t need the keyboard as I’m not keys player + don’t currently have the room for one.
It would be brilliant if they released an Iridium mk2 with the analog filters etc., appreciating that it may make the unit slightly larger even, due to the extra hardware required.
Here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:

But… Isn’t the Quantum MK2 an Iridium but with analog filters?

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I am very sure that my ears are not deceiving me. the quantum sounds much more magnificent than the iridium. the iridium sounds totally digital - neutral and like a plugin. doesn’t have to be bad if you like it.
it is certainly not from somewhere that the quantum is correspondingly more expensive, as is the case with a4 and rytm. hopefully elektron will do the same and make their flagships the center of attention again.

i personally think that this pure digital sounds very stiff and has a lot of uncomfortable resonances, which just makes the sound cold and cheap and not fun. moreover, with analog sounds, they somehow sound direct and powerful. But that’s my opinion. i think digital oscs with analog filters is a good compromise. the quantum is an absolute dream synthesizer, although i would rather have a desktop version and don’t quite understand why they didn’t just add some analogue oscs as well.

but what is perfect in life?

Yes. I want the analog filters in the Iridium desktop form factor :+1:

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8 mono analog filters and 16 stereo digital filters

dog walker here


What a beautiful synth. Damn.

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Old logo, you will be missed

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Wonder what the US street price will be on this based on Thomman’s. $7,000?

Also curious if MK1s will come down in price, seem to be a lot in stock still

Thomann “U.S.”

I have yet to find a MK2 listing with a U.S. retailer.

I don’t even know where you find Waldorf products sold in Canada any more, none of the main retailers list them.

I have used both the Quantum and the keyboard Iridium at the Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio - MESS - and the Quantum is much nicer to use when they are compared back to back. There’s something about the bigger size, spacious layout, etc. that makes the Quantum a very special synth to use from a performance/interface perspective. They both sound fantastic of course. The mk2 Quantum looks good as well, although I didn’t feel limited by 8 voices.

It reminds me of old sega, Atari, IBM. I will miss the logo too. Axel Hartmann is making bold moves with this logo. I think it will grow on me.

I think these really flat simplified logos we are seeing for everything today are going to all look really dated in 10-20 or so years. I like the old waldorf logo (and pretty much the old logo for everything else too lol). None of the new ones have any soul, they are all too ‘designy’.