Waldorf M

I’m not sure how I’ll feel about a keyboard version turning up just days after buying the M…

On the one hand, I could do with a master keyboard and people seem to think this will have poly aftertouch so it’ll be tempting in that respect. On the other if it’s 4+ octaves (which I imagine it will be) I’d be surprised if the difference between it and the desktop version ends up being much less than you can buy a used Hydrasynth for.

Unless the pricing is unexpectedly low I think I’ll be happy sticking to my previous plan of a Pro 2/3… But I’m fully prepared to just want it as soon as I see it :sweat_smile:

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The price for an M keyboard version should be very high, probably 3000/3500, I don’t think it should be a best seller

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Yeah, I almost wonder if it is just going to be a keyboard controller? With the KB37 discontinued maybe they feel like they have space for a new controller and they do have a pretty good number of rackable desktop units now… I would actually consider selling my Pro2 to make space for a nice controller, and have syntrx take over for basically full monophonic duties. Probably just wishful thinking on my part.

Man, this last fw update rocks! It makes the “modern mode” useful. Bit reduction before the analog filter sounds cool and gives more options. Before the modern mode was a bit boring compared to classic mode.

And the sample import is fun and opens up alot of posibilities with sounds not easily possible with only wavetables.

How do you guys now it´s going to be a M keyboard?
I would rather think that it´s a less featured Iridium Keyboard…

There’s a thread for that :wink:

fyi - the thread for waldorf M on gearspace features the author of the firmware,
he’s responding to bugs and commenting on beta updates…

if you have one it might be worth following that thread if you aren’t already.


I am over there as catfax… that thread is really great, managed to slip in a little bug fix and a small feature tweak for 1.8 release :slight_smile: I will say make sure to read the PDF as right now some things are designed to only work in some modes but it isn’t actually clear on the device screen yet. Also I would probably hold back on substantial feature requests until Vlad puts out his final planned features.

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Made a quick YouTube video playing with a choir sample from the old PPG archive.

The new firmware is awesome!


hey, maybe someone can answer that!?

can someone describe how to save the set sound on the M in multimode, it just won’t work.

if i click on store in multimode, i can change the name, that works. However, at the top of the window it says SOUND STORE on the left and ARRANGEMENT on the right, so he’s saving an arrangement somewhere. but then the sound is gone. I can’t change the arrangement at the top right either. and I can not set the location synonymous, no preference which encoder I use.

in single mode I can save everything normally.

You cant save individual patches in “multi-mode”. Only thing saved is the configuration and patch selections. But according to the developer this is planned for firmware 1.08. But i have not heard anything about when it will be released.


oh, thank you :wink: - that was extremely helpful.

I think they just replicated how it has always been on earlier Waldorf synths.

Some other things i discovered that wasnt explained very well was that even if you can load 4 patches with different arp settings, there is still only one global arp. Was hoping i could make a split dual arp multi patch.

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Yes, in the course of using the M, one or two things come to mind that have not yet been solved very well. it would also be nice to see that the digital filter is also displayed visually. otherwise it is an amazing device.

I have to remember the idea with the argeggiator, hopefully they will make it possible.

I dont think they will add that. But there are different ways of doing those kind of things. But it requires other gear though.

But it is an awesome synth. It really has that awesome “tone”. And it has alot of possibilities. I feel it really is a “digital” alternative to something like a prophet rev 4. :slight_smile:


Is there a example/tutorial video how to use own samples in waldorf m? What you think about this feature, any thougths?


I don’t know about a video but I did put it into my own words on Gearspace when they added it, Vlad is wonderful but some stuff with Waldorf can be a little unclear due to the apparent lack of native English speakers writing their documentation. Hopefully this is reasonably easy to follow:

  1. Visit the Waveterm library and download the complete archive here (you can use your own samples as well, of course)
  2. Put the wav files in a folder called TRANSITIONS on the SD card root.
  3. Go into the system settings, select the wav you want to use with ‘trans. file number’ then the slot on the M where you want the wav to go with ‘trans. load slot’.
  4. Go to the operations menu and select ‘import transition’.
  5. Go to the osc menu, enable transitions, select the slot number you just copied the wav to.
  6. Wonder at all the new possibilities this machine now has!

The importing process can be a little tedious but it works fine. It’s a very old school sort of sample playback, there’s no warping or anything, so if you want to use samples as, say, attack transients it only tends to work well across a limited range. I think when I get around to spending any real time doing that I’ll probably sample the best note out into Renoise or something.


that’s exactly that. this sound is really unique.

it’s actually relatively easy. here from minute 21 it is explained, but in German - but subtitles would have to work.


How to you feel the M wavetables compare to the ones in Blofeld or Evolver?

Truth is I didn t hear a demo yet to get me pumped up … apart from sounds mainly for ambient stuff.