Waldorf Iridium Keyboard

The Quantum came out in 2018, so a Quantum 2 with a poly-aftertouch keyboard would be a possibility. Or would it be called an Iridium Keys ? I think Quantum 2 is probably a better name. I know there have been some hardware changes that have been considered for the Quantum as well, so there is some reasons to rev the hardware.

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It’s not confirmed to be a synth, right? My hope is that it’s a controller keyboard with poly aftertouch (thus the “pressure” tagline), maybe positioned as an accessory to Iridium and M (or Streichfett or Blofeld for that matter) but actually just a really well-built, all-around MIDI master keyboard.


Yeah, this is pretty much all we have.

The keyboard controller market has a lot of competitors, and Waldorf hasn’t been to date a real competitor on price. But what might be possible is dual roles, a synth that also can be a controller, like the Hydrasynth Keys.

Oh hell. With lots of Strymon shimmer.


Much more than we have from the omnipotent Syntakt… scnr.

Has anyone done a copyright search for Waldorf ?

Both already have keyboards, though this could be a new hardware version of either. Unlikely imo.

Streichfett => STVC

Yeah that is my hope also, a nice really well built polyaftertouch midi controller… Waldorf did tag it with synthesizer in the Instagram post though and the previous controller type unit kb37 did have some labeling directly above the keys. So yeah probably not as likely to be just a focused high quality midi controller.

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That says a lot to me.

Btw the Fatar keyboard from the Blofeld keys is excellent.
So maybe Fatar came up with a poly pressure keyboard and we will see more synths with those?

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You could pedantically argue that since synthesis is the bringing together of multiple parts, all polyphonic keyboards are synthesizers in the note domain.

Very ‘obscurerobot’ of you.

Do you have a brother inscrutablerobot ?


scrutablerobot would be a good handle

There has been some rumbling of Fatar needing a poly-aftertouch keybed. I kinda expect Fatar would have done an announcement already if Waldorf has access to use it, though maybe they’d wait for Waldorf.

I think there is zero chance Waldorf is doing their own poly-aftertouch keybed.

Does anyone think it’s not a poly-aftertouch keybed being implied by the tease ?

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It seems like Waldorf is taking over projects and making them Waldorf. Kyra was first shown as a different brand. I think Quantum developer started the project before joining Waldorf. Same with the M.

But if someone are licensing a poly aftertouch keyboard it could be possible. I kind of hope its not an M with poly aftertouch keyboard, as i think it will be pretty expensive. But i wont be able to not buy it. hehe.

ASM "announced” a while back that they were productifying their polytouch keybed and hade made a deal with atleast one synth/keyboard company to use it, so that’s my guess


Could you track down a reference of that please.


Damn, Fin25 beat me to it :sweat_smile:
Yeah that interview

Thank you both !

A link directly to that portion of the January 21, 2022 interview with Glen Darcey.

There he says “they”, ( Medeli or is that ASM, or perhaps that’s really the same thing ), are licensing and selling manufactured keybeds, to other companies – emphasis there it being plural. You will see their Polytouch trademark logo on the outside of the synth.

I think there is little doubt that this new product from Waldorf is indeed using that specific poly-aftertouch technology.

This thread is definitely making progress, good to see.