Waldorf Iridium (16-voice, duo-timbral Quantum desktop)

Cheers :+1:

Here some more details of how:

I agree it’s not ideal. However sample management in most hardware is cumbersome including Elektrons +drive…

I haven’t touched my Digitone in several months because I still don’t feel like I really jibe with its interface. Sorta tempted to replace the FM part of my setup with this…

I tried routing the audio from my Peak into the Iridium - yes you can mix the audio input with the layers of the Peak.
You can’t route the audio to an entire layer, instead you can route it to parts of a layer - the filter or effects or digital former for any layer and you can still hear the original layers.
(There might be some problem with it, I couldn’t hear any of the input audio if I routed to the filter or former, only if I routed to the effects or directly to out, or maybe I wasn’t doing something correctly)

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Thanks for trying that out :+1: definitely interested in this now

Alright, here’s a clip of all of the boxes co-mingling.

The Iridium is the only thing that plays for the first 45 seconds. It’s a single wavetable oscillator into a 12db bandpass (SVF) and 9 active mod slots:


Very nice.

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Thanks, man. :heart:

Yes…very nice indeed ! Need to hear more !


Haha, thanks. I’m working on it. :sweat_smile:


Yeah this one is really cool. What is doing the drums in the track? I have mainly focusing on using the polyend and quantum as my only music devices for the time being.

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Beautiful mate.

Can honestly say this is the only synth I’d ever need.

That would be the Rytm MK2. :slight_smile:

Here’s a slow sparse custom patch for the Iridium, this is a single patch played/recorded live.


Bax-Shop today removed the Iridium from their product list, can not order it anymore. Thomann changed the shipping date from 4 weeks to ‘unknown’. That sounds not good to me…


The reported gaps under the screen, wonky buttons etc seems to me like they are having to sort out manufacturing issues, looks like a longer wait to get one

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On the Gearslutz forum one guy received a Iridium with a complete detached touchscreen. So yes, Waldorf has some production problems.

From Waldorf only silence…


Alright, so here’s a video demonstrating the Iridium’s Live Granular mode of the Particle engine:

  • Track 1 of the Rytm is set to send MIDI to trigger the Live granular engine of the Iridium (which has been allocated a single voice on layer 2 via “voice split”.)
  • Oscillators 2 and 3 are each set to a “grain poly/ count” value of 1 and panned L and R, respectively.
  • Increasing macro J on the A4 raises the depth of random S&H values being sent when the CV track is unmuted. (These values are set to randomize Particle position of each oscillator in tandem).
  • Macro 5 on the Rytm controls Particle length and decay.
  • Macro 6 on the Rytm controls the range that the grains are allowed to jump (in octaves).
  • Scene 8 enables the effect. (engaged at 29 seconds of the clip – disengaged at 59 seconds)

My criticisms of the current implementation are:

  1. None of the time-based params are BPM-syncable. (ie. particle position/ particle length/ gate length, etc.), so randomizing these often yield unmusical results. (There is a MIDI CC LEARN function for every parameter on the machine, which would allow you to set up a bank of values to quantize to in Max MSP, but doing so would forfeit resolution, as well as the Iridium’s comprehensive mod matrix.)

  2. In Live Granular mode, the travel parameter becomes unresponsive (as the buffer is constantly updating), so there’s currently no option to halt the buffer to loop grains. I’ve put in a feature request for this, and will update things if/ when this should change.

  3. Currently, the Iridium is set to ping pong grain counts of 2 or more, so there is no way to align each to minimize the effect. This is my reason for using two oscillators with a grain count of 1 panned L and R. (The caveat being that the first grain is currently hard-wired to pull signal from the left input, so there is no way to have both channels represented in this configuration.)


What’s is the synth sound from 0.45?))
Sounds organic

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If you’re talking about the melody that enters at 45 seconds, that’d be the Rytm (pinging the filter with the noise generator, etc). :slight_smile:

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