Virus TI Midi in won't work

Today i traded my prophet 08 desktop for a virus TI desktop. I encountered a problem straight away though. Cannot get the midi in port to work on the virus. I am trying to sequence it with my octatrack and i’m very familiar with how the midi setup works there. No usb cable is connected to the virus.

I’ve tried different cables, tried routing the octatrack straight into the virus, triple checked midi channels, tried both in single and multi sequence mode on the virus with the octatrack sending on several channels. Even tried with only my midi keyboard into the virus with the correct midi channel settings.

With the demo song running on the virus i get sound. I’ve also tried changing the master clock on the ot even though the setting on the virus is external nothing changes.

Anyone got any tips or is the midi in port broken?

Sorry I don’t have experience with the Virus but it sounds like you know what you’re doing and have been thorough - seems to indicate a fault with the MIDI In port. Was it an online trade? That is rotten if someone has traded you a faulty piece of gear.

I am in contact with the guy i traded it with so won’t be any problem in that sense. It’s just that i really want a virus instead of my prophet. The guy i traded with only sequences it through usb so he most probably didn’t know of any midi issues.

Just did a factory reset od the virus and still not any luck.

Anyone know if you can see if the virus is getting any midi signals? Like on a lot of other gear i have there is a midi light signaling when receiving.

i was looking at this today actually… i found this

Maybe you can connect your virus to a computer via usb and syc up with a DAW. I use mine in Ableton and to be honest with you, there is need for access to make some new PC drivers, because recording in Ableton and using the live button that they have for Ableton on the soft synth, still has timing issues. Once you have recorded, everything is played back slightly out of time and you have to correct it within the piano roll editor.

Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a similar issue with the midi, OS not up to scratch or only compatible via a PC.

There is no indication of MIDI incoming signal on the TI. There is the clock only. Did you try to check MIDI receive channels on the Virus by pressing the [CONFIG] button?
Just to make sure that the sound output is ok try to press [SHIFT]+[SEARCH]? This will internally trigger a note in the synth.

Read that thread earlier and tried the things mentioned but still nothing. However im curious as to what they mean with Note symbol on the display? Anyone know?

Getting sound when pushing that combination. Right now i have my ot on 125 bpm and when holding shift and release to adjust the tempo it says [120] to the right of the internal clock.

Been trying all types of combinations in the config midi menu but still nothing…

Every time you feed a MIDI signal into the Virus a note symbol briefly appears in the bottom right hand corner of the display (next to the parameter name for soft encoder 3).

Alright, i sadly think that the port is broken… Gonna contact the guy i traded with, lucky thing is that his company is renting out studious to a big music company so he has some very good connections to get it fixed, hopefully :slight_smile:

I have an Indigo 2 (16 years) and haven’t had this problem you describe. You should see a little note appear on the top left when you send midi data to the Virus.

Try using multi mode. Try different multi programs. check that each part has a midi channel (hopefully set to the same part number). Check that the part is enabled. You should hear something and see the note on the screen i think as it receives. Make sure the virus settings are correct. Check the global midi settings.

I would test this with your midi keyboard and virus only.

Do you not see a note symbol (play and hold a chord for it to appear for the maximum time)?
If the note shown is unfilled (a minim) it is telling you that it is receiving MIDI but on the wrong channel.
If the note shown is filled (a crotchet) it is receiving MIDI on the correct channel.

No note symbol (♪) when you feed MIDI?
Maybe check if the Atomizer is off also: [EDIT], scroll to inputs and check atomizer is off.

No note symbol and atomizer off, still nothing

Have you used the Octatrack to sequence other equipment?

Tried as you described, only keyboard and virus. Tried with different global channels, multi mode and single mode, different programs and parts. Still can’t see any note symbol and nothing happens…

Seqence my minituar, tb-03, sonic cell and xoxbox with it and never have any problems.

yeah, you should see that when Virus is receiving MIDI in (you also see another symbol, maybe CC data, can’t remember), I see it on my TI Polar

Try a reset of The virus… of you Are in single mode midi channel default is n.1 And If you dont have usb cable connected but only midi in it has to work, otherwise there is something wrong… you Can also write to access support

Hope you can get it to work, I used to have an Octatrack, and with using drums on the Octatrack and sequencing the MIDI on the Virus you get a very tight sync. Its a nice combo. I have a Pyramid and Rytm now, but do miss Octa