Vermona PerFourmer MKII

I forget whether it was the Perfourmer or DRM1 but one of their boxes said “the finest synthesizers Germany has to offer” or something to that effect. my wife is the one who brought it in when it was delivered, and had a field day with that phrase for a while :rofl:


I’ve seen him in passing before (on the YouTube merry go-round).
I’ll be sure to watch them.
Giving Hainbach a run for his money with those funky jumpers.


God, i know that dance.

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Oora has a great PerFourmer video…


Here is a cool little jam from a french guy. In this one, he uses the Perfourmer FM capabilities.

There is some others on his channel.


Mothership docking complete.

“What a huge beautiful beast” was my first impression, but it fit snugly on the top tier of my adventure trolley.

Lovely first impressions.

Now to watch some tutes.


Nice, that looks like a FUN setup and the perfourmer will fit right in perfectly.


oof, sweet setup!

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Glad for you ! Have fun with it.

Mine is stuck somewhere because of strike actions in the country. I will only receive it on monday (hopefully). I don’t complain, these strikes are more than justified, I can wait a bit more.


Does anyone know if the Vermona Mono Lancet ‘15 is basically a one voice version of the Vermona PerFourmer MKII? Does anyone have both, and is there a difference in sound and functionality compared to just using one of the mono channels on the Perfourmer? Thx

No, Mono Lancet is not 1 voice of the perfourmer.
It have a simpler VCO but a second VCO.
PFM have more waveform and 4’, 8’, 16’, 32’, HI, LO. Monolancet have 8’, 16’, 32
The LFO is also slighty different between those 2.
PFM have panning.

I think Mono Lancet is better than 1 voice of perfourmer. The power of the perfourmer is to have 4 voices interacting each other and the playmodes.


Hey thanks for the info. This is really helpful. :slight_smile:

… just bought one within a minute of reading that. God help me. :slight_smile:


From what I remember there’s no PWM for Lancet unless you have the breakout module

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That’s great, thanks for the info :slight_smile:

Excuse me, but what is the apparatus bottom right? Kinda have a recollection of seeing it before but can’t put a name on it. Is it a midi controller of some sort?

Torso T-1.

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What @Tchu said :+1:

An ‘algorithmic sequencer’.

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first day with the Perfourmer. Here is a little something with it. Syntakt is only used for drums.


The Mono Lancet has variable PW for both VCOs, controllable with midi mod wheel messages (CC#85). You could assign a midi LFO from an Octratrack or other midi track equipped Elektron. Unfortunately, varying the pulse width continuously over midi doesn’t work smoothly and creates a “raspy”/glitchy PWM. Static pulse width changes however work fine, and expand the Mono Lancet palette nicely imo.

As an alternative to the modular dock, you can access all the analog ins/outs of the dock (including PW) by plugging in a 25-pin adapter with screw connectors, basically making your own barebones modular dock.

The Mono Lancet is a lovely little machine :slightly_smiling_face:

/sorry for the off-topic.


Thanks for the info - I was really looking forward to getting one until the seller cancelled the sale 4 days after I’d paid FFS :frowning: