Using LOCK TRIGS on Octatrack audio tracks with external midi triggering


just wondering if it is possible to play Octatrack (mk II) samples by triggering them with external midi BUT to take into account parameters that are locked on each step of Octatrack sequencer (like pitch, attack, etc.).

Because when I try to fire them with external midi, the samples are playing on their default values (despite the Octatracks sequencer is running and I’ve put some LOCK TRIGS on track, that I’m firing).

Is there some additional option, that should be switched to make use of these parameters in this case?

I will be grateful for your help!

Welcome to the forum!

It is not.

You might have more fun trying out some different MIDI MAP options on your OT’s audio tracks.


Hi Peter!
Thank you for the response!
Oh no! Anyway… I’ll try to figure out your recipe!
Best regards!

I had a similar question and tried to find an answer, then found this post. What if one were to setup trigless trigs to vary the parameters of the tracks being triggered? Would that work?

I’ve just checked and it seems that parameters work with trigless trigs [external MIDI for track + track parameters modulation]. Don’t know why didn’t try them back then.

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Sick! Thanks, pegaz! :partying_face:

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If you trigger with external midi, OT uses default track parameters, trigless aren’t taken in account before NOTE OFF.

Which means if you play briefly, add release, trigless are effective after you played the note.

You can modulate freely with a plocked Neighbor track, or a recorder + flex :
Play T1 externally
Record T1 with rec trigs each step (or 2 steps), play with T2 (FLEX) and +1 microtiming with trigs corresponding to rec trigs…


Thanks for the tip! I wonder if there’s a way to program my trig31 module to only spit out short triggers instead of gates to keep the time as short as possible. Checking manual now! (Just triggering tracks via midi btw, not playing notes with pitch info.)

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Thanks for great expertise! Didn’t know this works that way.
Is this somehow mentioned in the OT manual?


Not sure. Seems to be the same for all Elektrons, except Digitone which behaves differently, plocks are taken in account.

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